

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 21:51:06  点击:21

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   We purchase your technology chiefly in order to renovate our old equipment.   我们购买你们的技术,主要是为了改造我们的旧设备。   In what form will you transfer the patent?   贵方将以何种形式转让专利?   We'd like to transfer the right to use the patent in the form of licence.   我方想以许可证形式转让专利使用权。   The technicians sent by the sellers have the obligation to give the buyers technical guidance in the plant construction.   卖方派出的技术人员有义务给买方提供建厂技术指导。   You shall offer us the information concerning trade secrets,manufacturing technique and know一how which is necessary to produce products.   你方应向我方提供制造产品所需的贸易秘密、制造技术和专有技术方面的资料。   importation of advanced technology from abroad is a very effective way to boost ourtechnological progress.   从国外引进先进技术是加快我们技术进步的有效方法。   ire shall pay you . dollar... as initial payment for buying the production rights from you。   我方将付给你方美元,以作为向你方购买产品生产权之入门费。   The technicians and experts of both parties should hold meetings from time to time for technical exchange.   我们双方的技术人员和专家要经常碰头,进行技术交流。   The price includes the know-how and the patent as well.   这个价不仅包括专有技术,还包括专利。   As these technologies are rare in the international market,they may turn out to be good sellersin your country.   由于这些都是国际市场罕见的技术,所以它们在你们国家一定能够畅销。
  模仿对方练一练(一)   A:These are our company profiles and products catalogues .Pleasehave a look.   B:Thank you.   A:It is written here that our products have already been patented.   B:Do you plan to transfer the patent right to Chinese companies?   A:We could. I wonder how much tax the Chinese governmentimposes for using patent rights?   B:Twenty percent。   A:I see. If the products are sold well in China,I plan to have the trademark registered.   B:The term of validity for the registered trademarks is 10 years from the date of registration.
  深圳美联英语老师译文:   A:这是我们公司的介绍和产品目录。请过目。   B:谢谢。   A:这上面也写着我们的产品已取得了专利权。   B:你们打算把专利权转让给中国的公司吗?   A:是的。不知中国政府对专利权使用费征多少税?   B:20%。   A:明白了。如果产品在中国卖得好,我准备注册商标。   B:注册商标的有效期从注册日开始算起10年。
  模仿对话练一练(二)   A:It's a great honor to have you visit our factory.   B:Thank you,and I find your factory has very goodmachinery and equipment.   A:In fact the quality of our materials is also perfect.   B:'hat you need most is to improve your design .   A:We have thought of would highly appreciate your technical cooperation.   B:I'm glad to cooperate with the point we've just mentioned,we'll provide you withour latest design and sent you 2 or 3 technicians to give technical guidance.   A:That's excellent!I know you've provided your technological know -how to some factories.   Their products have become more competitive in quality.   B:Yes. Any country,developing or developed,or any enterprise,benefits from importedadvanced technology.   A:I'm sure,with your help,we'll reach the advanced world level.   B:I hope so,too.   A:The details such as the terms of cooperation,time to send us designs and technicians,priceand payment terms, be discussed tomorrow.   B:OK. We need quite some time to negotiate.
  深圳美联英语老师译文:   A:很荣幸您能参观我们的工厂。   B:谢谢。我发现贵厂的机器和设备非常好。   A:实际上我们的材料质量也非常好。   B:你们现在需要的就是改进设计。   A:我们已考虑到了这点。非常感谢贵方的技术合作。   B:很高兴与您合作。对于刚谈到的一点,我们将提供新的设计,并派两三名技术人员来进行技术指导。   A:太棒了!我知道你们已向一些厂家提供了专有技术,并大大提高了那些厂家产品质量的竞争力。   B:是的。任何国家,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,或者任何企业都会从引进先进技术中受益。   A:我深信在贵方的帮助下,我们的产品将达到国际先进水平。   B:希望如此。   A:对于一些细节,诸如合作条件、提供设计和派遣技术人员的时间、价格和付款条件等,留待明天再讨论。   B:好吧。讨论这些细节需要相当多的时间。   以上就是深圳美联英语小编为您整理关于技术转让的商务英语对话,深圳美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入深圳美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。