

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 22:37:30  点击:21

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  经典句型背一背   Please come in and take a look.   请进,请看看。   The product is of high quality.   这是高品质产品。   Our factory is particularly well known for office facilities.   我们工厂以生产办公用品而知名。   As you can see on our display we have a full range of products.   如您在我们展示架上所见,我们的产品规格齐全。   After sample approval,please tell me.   样品确认后请告知我。   Which item interests you?   您对什么项目感兴趣?   This is my first visit to the Fair. Everything is new to me,so many people and so manyshowrooms. Mr. Ding,would you please give me some information?   我第一次参加广交会,觉得一切都很新鲜,这么多人,这么多展厅。丁先生,你能给我介绍一下吗?   The facility and design of the Trade Show are great.   展览会的设备和设计好极了。   What about our site?   我们的展位如何?   I think it is very essential for us to create a good impression in this exhibition.   我想对我们来说在展览会上建立一个好的印象非常重要。   We'd better have a small office with a phone and somewhere to keep publicity materials.   我们必须建立一间小办公室,里边装上电话还得摆上宣传材料。   We have to set up a miniature sales department for the period of the exhibition.   在展会期间我们必须成立一个微型销售部。   It is very important to find。good site.   找一个好的展位是很关键的。
  模仿对话练一练   A:Excuse me,sir!Could you tell me where the service deskis located?   B:It is just right over there.   A:Hello!I'm Jessica from France .Do you know where I canfind my booth?   C:Let me 're in booth number 222. Here's a map of the exhibition hall,and here weare at the service desk.   A:Okay,and where exactly is our booth?Oh,there it is. Thanks for your me,sir. Our goods were sent from Beijing more than ten days ago,and they're riot in our booth!   C:Ah,hold on,let me check our yes,your goods arrived late yesterday evening,so we haven't had the time to bring your goods to your booth.   A:When can I expect there?I really need to set up before the exhibition!   C:You don't have to worry,I promise you'll have your goods before 2 p. m.   A:Er,that makes me feel better. Do you mind if 1 could check on my goods now?   C:Of course.   A:Thank just want to he sure that everything is here and in working condition.   C:It's no trouble at all.
  成都美联英语老师译文:   A:先生,您好!请问服务台在哪里?   B:就在那里。   A:你好,我是来自法国的杰西卡,请问我的展位在哪里?   C:嗯,让我看看。您的展位号是222,这是会场布置图,请看,这是我们现在的位置-服务台。   A:好的,那我的展位究竟在哪里呢?哦,找到了,谢谢!对不起,先生,我们的参展品十多天前就从北京寄来,可是怎么还没有摆到展位上?   C:哦,您等会儿,我查一下资料,有了,你们的货昨天晚上很晚才到,所以我们还来不及搬到您的展位上。   A:什么时候能够搬过来?我一定得在展览开始前布置好!   C:别着急,我确保您的货会在下午2点前送过去。   A:嗯,这样我就放心多了。我现在能不能看一看那些货呢?   C:当然可以。   A:谢谢,我只是想确定一下每样东西都在这里,没有故障。   C:别客气,一点也不麻烦。   以上就是成都美联英语小编为您整理关于参加商展的英语对话,成都美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入成都美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。