

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 23:27:51  点击:24

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   Yes, we only handle the best brands.   是的,我们只经营高级品牌产品。   We are confident about the quality of our goods.   我们对自己的产品质量很有信心。   It sells well in the area.   这个品牌在这个领域一直很畅销。   Sorry , I've no idea.   抱歉,我不知道。   I am afraid I don't know.   恐怕我不知道。   about 3 months.   大约三个月后。   That depends on the goods you registere。   一这取决于你注册的商品类别。   It differs from country to country.   各国的要求不同。   10 years , but you can renew it.   10年,但你可以延续商标权。   The offender must stop the infringemnt at once and compensate for the loss.   犯法人必须立刻停止侵权行为并赔偿损失。   If so,you ought to lodge an appeal to the law firm.   如果是这样的话,贵公司应该向法律事务所提出申诉。   The counterfeiter ought to compensate for the loss thus suffered.   仿冒者应该赔偿由此造成的损失。   What shall we do to apply for the registration of trademarks?我们如何申请注册商标呢?   We should have the brand registered to uphold our just rights and interests.   我们应该将该商标注册以维护我们的正当权益。   You can assign the trademark to another person or company.   您可以将商标转让他人或公司。
  模仿对话练一练   A:Hi,Daisy. How's everything?   B:Great. I'd like to have the trademark of my new productregistered. But I am not quite clear about the procedures.   A:That's riot so complicated.   B:Is there a time limit for trademarks?   A: law the trademark should be renewed in one year’stinre.   B:That means the protection is limited to one year?   A:Exactly. It must he renewed every one year. Our country follows the priority of useprinciple.   B:What should I prepare for the register?   A :Some relative documents should be needed .And the fee may Iw quite high.   B:I see. Thank you for your explanation.   A:That's nothing.
  宁波美联英语老师译文:   A:你好,戴茜,一切都好吗?   B:很好。我想给我的新产品注册商标,但具体的程序不是很清楚。   A:那不复杂。   B:商标有年限吗?   A;当然有,据法律规定,商标每一年要更新一次。   B:那就是说商标有效期为一年?   A:是的,每隔一年必须更新。我国实行先使用,先拥有的原则。   B:申请注册商标需要准备些什么?   A:一些相关的文件资料。费用可能比较高。   B:我明白了。谢谢你的解释。   A:不用谢。   以上就是宁波美联英语小编为您整理的关于商标注册的英语对话,宁波美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入宁波美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。