

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 01:08:57  点击:27

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子
   was born in June 6 in 1987.   萨利出生于1987年6月6号。    usually get up at half past six in the morning.   我通常早上六点半起床。   'll come back on the National Day.   国庆那天我会回来。
   her appearance in time, he was saved.   由于她的及时出现,他获救了。    hope everyone will attend the meeting on time.   我希望每个人都能准时参加会议。    parents worked hard from morning till night.   她父母从早到晚拼命地工作。
   haven't seen each for two decades.   我们20年没有见面了。    is a boy of my age.   他是一个和我同龄的男孩。   's time to start off.
  该出发了。    took me 3 hours to wash these clothes.   洗这些衣服花了我三个小时的时间。    train will arrive the destination at four o'clock in tomorrow morning.   火车将在明早4点钟到达目的地。    month is this?   现在是几月份?
   you get the time?   现在是几点了?    the time permit?   还来得及吗?   ,is your watch reliable?   迈克,你的表准吗? 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Asking about Time   Waite: Hi,'s the time now?   Tina: It's 8: 30 by my watch.   Waite: Does your watch keep good time?   Tina: Not 's about four minutes fast.   Waite: Oh,my watch has stopped last night. I want to put it right.   Tina: Well,you should set it at 8: 26,and it's about right.   Waite: Thank you so much,by the way,what day is today?   Tina: Today it's Friday.   Waite: Well,do you know the date?   Tina: It's Sepetember why did you ask me these?   Waite: Time is flying ! It will be the Teachers' Day in three days.   Tina: So what will you buy your teacher?   Waite: I still haven't know he dislikes us buy anything for him.   Tina: I heard your new book has published, maybe you should give him one as a gift.   Waite: Oh,my nearly forget it but for your you really.   Tina: You're welcome.
询问时间   韦特:嗨,简。现在几点了?   蒂娜:我的手表是8: 30.   韦特:你的表准吗?   蒂娜:事实上不准,快了4分钟。   韦特:哦,我的表昨晚停了。我想把表调准。   蒂娜:噢,你应该把时间调到8: 26,那就差不多了。   韦特:非常谢谢,顺便问一下,今天是星期几?   蒂娜:今天是周五。   韦特:哦,你知道几号吗?   蒂娜:9月7号。但是你为什么问这个呢?   韦特:时间过得真快啊!三天后就是教师节了。   蒂娜:那么你打算买什么给你的老师呢?   韦特:我还没有决定呢,你知道他不喜欢我们买东西给他。   蒂娜:我听说你的新书已经出版了,你可以送他一本你的书作为礼物。   韦特:哦,我的天,要不是你提醒我都忘记了,真的很感谢。   以上就是西安汉普森英语小编为大家整理怎么用英语问时间。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加西安汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。