

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 04:36:06  点击:34

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典那句型背一背:   I'm really a hit nervous now,for I know nothing of your table manners.   我真有点紧张了,我对你们的餐桌礼仪一点也不懂。   No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.   难怪人们都说中国人很好客。   Eat it while it is hot.   请趁热吃。   It's really delicious.   味道真的好极了。   They look really inviting.   它们看起来真诱人。   W。like to eat meat and vegetables fresh.   我们喜欢吃新鲜的肉和蔬菜。   This is really the most beautiful desserts I've ever seen in my life.   这真是我一生中见到的漂亮的甜点。   We're glad you could make it today.   很高兴今天您能光临。   You can leave your overcoat here;it's quite warm inside.   里面比较暖和,您可以把大衣留在这里。   Am I the last one to come?I'm glad you could meet me for lunch.   我该不是后一个到吧?很高兴能和你们一起用午餐。   1ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation·请您跟我一起举杯庆祝我们合作成功。   M一Brown,please take a seat here,and Mr. Thomson,please sit next to Mr. Brown.   布朗先生,请坐这儿。汤姆森先生,请坐在布朗先生旁边。   Mr. Brown,let me introduce you to Miss Liu,who is going to sit next to you tonight.   布朗先生,我介绍今晚将坐在您旁边的刘小姐给您认识。   The reception is on your honor.   今天的招待会是为你们举行的。
  模仿对话练一练:   A:Mr. White,I'm glad you've come.   B:It's very kind of you to have invited me.   A:Now I'd like you to meet my friends,Mr. Ma,Mr. Yang,Mr.   Chen. They are with us this . White,this is yourseat. Please sit here.   B:Thank You.   A:Mr. White,is this your first visit to China?   B:Yes,Ms. Zhang   have no idea how much I've been looking fotwairl to a real Chinese meal.   A:I'm glad you enjoy Chinese food and hope the dishes will give you a better idea of Chinesecooking. The roast duck is a Beijing specialty .Please help yourself.   B:Ah,it's really attractive and appetizing.   A:May I help you to some Mapo Bean curd?It's a famous Sichuan dish.   B:Yes,please. Oh,very your cook takes care of the color,flavor and taste allat the same time.   A:Mr. White,do you intend to have a long stay here?   B : Two weeks or trip is both business and pleasure.   A:It's a good 'd like to have your impression of our fair before you leave.   B:So do I.   A:I hope we will become good friends as well as business associates.   B:I hope so,too.
  无锡美联英语老师译文:   A:怀特先生,欢迎您光临。   B:谢谢您的邀请。   A:我来介绍一下我的朋友,马先生、杨先生、陈先生。他们今晚和我们共进晚餐。怀特先生,这是您的座位,请坐。   B:谢谢。   A:怀特先生,这是您第一次来中国吗?   B:是的,张小姐,您无法想象我是多么盼望吃到一顿地道的中国菜啊!   A:我很高兴您喜欢中餐,希望这顿晚餐会使您对中餐有更多的了解。烤鸭是北京的特产,请随便用。   B:真是样子好看,味道鲜美。   A:我给您来点麻婆豆腐好吗?这是有名的四川菜。   B:好的。味道好极了。我看得出你们的厨师做的菜色、香、味俱全。   A:怀特先生,您打算在这里多待一些时间吗?   B:两周左右。这次旅行我打算既处理业务也游览游览。   A:好主意。回国之前请给我们讲讲您对交易会的印象。   B:我也希望这样。   A:希望我们不仅是事业上的好伙伴,也能成为好朋友。   B:我也希望如此。   以上就是无锡美联英语小编为您整理的关于与客户进餐的英语对话,无锡美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入无锡美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。