

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 04:46:50  点击:27

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背:   Listen,I'll be seeing a client in Central next Monday,he happens to work in your building.   我下星期一会到中环与客户见面,他与您在同一幢大厦工作。   I wonder if I can see you in your office at around two that day.   我可否在那天下午2点左右到您的办公室见您?   It's just that my company has printed some new calendars .I was about to send a couple to you. But since I'll he doing business in your area,I might as well drop by your office and give them to you.   我想给您一些新的公司年历,我本来打算寄给您,但刚巧在附近谈生意,想顺道亲手交给您。   Oh,by the way,a colleague of mine wants to get medical cover .Can you give him some suggestions ?   噢,对了,我有一位同事想买医疗保险。您可以给他一些建议吗?   Sure,I'll be glad to. I'll bring some brochures with me .All right,I'll see you then.   当然,我很乐意这样做,我会带些小册子给他。好的,稍后见。   It's nice of you to come. Please have a seat,won't you?   你能来真好。请坐,好吗?   Did you have any difficulty in finding our office?   你找我们公司难不难?   Did it? Good!Would you like a cup of oolong?   真的?那很好!你要不要来一杯乌龙茶?   I'd like to see Mr. Lin. My name is Jack Chen.   我想见林先生。我叫陈杰克。   No,I don't,but I have some very important business to talk about.   不,没有,不过我有一些很重要的事要谈。   Just a moment .Mr. Lin,Mr. Chen wants to talk to you on the phone.   稍等一下。林先生,陈先生要跟您通电话。   Thank you .Mr. Lin,something has come up that I have to talk to you.   谢谢你。林先生,有事情发生了,我必须和你谈一谈。   I'm looking for a Mr. Zhang who is in charge of the export department.   我要找一位张先生,他是负责出口部门的。   You came to the right person. I'm Mr. Zhang himself.   你找对人了,我就是张先生本人。   I'm here to see Mr. Roberts.   我是来见罗伯茨先生。
  模仿对话练一练:   A:Hello,Bill Burton speaking .What can I do for you?   B:Hello,Mr. Burton. This is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sonsreturning your call .I'm sorry you missed me when you called myoffice this morning. My secretary said you called concerning ourmeeting next Tuesday?   A:Yes,Ms. Jenkins,thank you for returning my call .I'm glad toA:Yes,Ms. Jenkins,thank you for returning my call .I'm glad tofinally get a hold of you .I wanted to let you know I will not he able to make our meetingnext Tuesday .I will be out of town that day .Is there any possibility we can move themeeting to Monday?   B:I'm Sorry,I'm afraid I'm completely booked on it he possible to postponeuntil you return?   A:Oh clear,I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave,but I suppose I couldshuffle a few things .Yes,we can arrange something .I'll be back Thursday Thursday afternoon?Would that work for you?   B:That should be fine .Shall we say about two o'clock?   A:Perfect. I'll look forward to seeing you at. two o'clock next Thursday afternoon .If you need tochange the time,please feel free to call me on my phone.   B:Thanks Mr. Burton. I'll see you on Thursday.
  绍兴美联英语老师译文:   A:您好,我是比尔·伯顿。您有事吗?   B:您好,伯顿先生。我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹妮·詹金思,您给我打过电话。非常抱歉,您今天上午往我办公室打电话时我正好不在。我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗?   A:是的,詹金思小姐。谢谢您能回电话。很高兴,我终于联系到您了。我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。那天我要出城去办事。有没有可能把见面时间改到周一?   B:对不起,恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。能否等您回来再说?   A;噢,天啊,我原来打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下。   没错,我们可以安排一下。我周四上午才回来。那周四下午怎么样?这个时间你可以吗?   B:应该没问题。我们定在2点可以吗?   A:好极了。我盼着下周四下午2点与您见面。你如果要更改时间,请随时打我手机联系。   B:谢谢,伯顿先生。下周四见。   以上就是绍兴美联英语小编为您整理关于预约|拜访客户的的英语对话,绍兴美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入绍兴美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。