

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 05:56:27  点击:33

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  Useful Sentences替换句型   The beach is beautiful, but rather cold at this timeof the year.   这个季节,海滩很美,但比较冷。   This beach inclines gradually and you can batheanywhere along it.   这个海滩是渐渐往下斜的,你可在任何地方游泳。   The beach stretches ten kilometers from east towest.   海滩从东到西长达10千米。   The beach is beautiful and the background sceneryis fascinating.   海滩美丽如画,背景风光非常迷人。   It's a great pleasure wandering along the beachwhen the moon is hanging high.   在明月高悬的夜晚漫步海滩是令人十分愉快的。   You can see hundreds of people coming here forfun and relaxation on weekends.   每个周末你都能看到成百上千的人来这里休闲娱乐.   Yon can watch the sunrise at dawn and the sunsetat dusk.   你可以在清展观看日出,黄昏观看日落。   The hills behind the beach are not high, but theyare pretty.   海滩后面的山不高,但很美。   From the beach the green pines and cypresses onthe hills look like another green ocean.   从海滩望去,山上青翠的松柏好似又一片绿色的海洋。   When the tide is falling, you can see a lot of beachcombers.   落潮时,你能看到许多赶海的人。   Look at those surfers. What brave people they are!   快看那些冲浪者,他们多勇敢哪!
  Situational Dialogues情景对话   Jones:would you like to go to the beach?   Louis: No, thanks. It's too cold to go for a swim.   Jones: But the water is warm in early August.   Louis: The water might be warm but the beach is cold.   Jones: But the beach is beautiful. We would enjoyourselves in any case.   Louis: All right.
  东莞韦博英语老师译文:   琼斯:你愿意去海滩吗?   路易丝:不,谢谢。去游泳太凉了。   琼斯:呃,可是8月初的海水是暖和的。   路易丝:海水可能是暖和的,可是海滩是冷的。   琼斯:但海滩是美的,无论如何会玩得很开心的。   路易丝:嗯,好吧。   以上就是东莞韦博英语小编为您整理的关于海滨之行的英语口语对话,东莞韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语、旅游英语、一对一等课程,欢迎大家进入东莞韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。