

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 08:53:40  点击:22

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   weather is abnormal this year.   今年的气候不正常。   's raining hard.   雨下得很大。    covered the ground.   积雪覆盖了大地。
   is falling all over the country.   全国各地都在下雪。    you listened to the weather forecast?   你听天气预报了吗?   's the temperature today?   今天的气温多高?
   fog cleared off.   雾气已散。   's cloudy today.   今天阴天。   's a find day today.   今天的天气真好。
   weather, isn't it?   天气很冷,不是吗?    weather becomes warmer.   天气变暖和了。    is sunny today.   今天天气晴朗。
   weather always depresses me.   我在阴雨天总是心灰意冷。   's raining cats and dogs outside.   外面正下着倾盆大雨。   's freezing.   天冷极了。
02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 alking about Weather   Cathy: It is boiling today, isn't it?   Kayla: Yes, it's very hot and stuffy.   Cathy: It's been looking like rain for several days. But it hasn't rained yet.   Kayla: There are thick black clouds in the sky now. The wind is rising.   Cathy: It looks as if a thunder storm is coming in.   Kayla: It's a bit windy. But I like the breeze.   Cathy: It's beginning to sprinkle.   Kayla: The weatherman says some showers are expected this afternoon.   Cathy: It's turning warmer, isn't it?   Kayla: Yes, the temperature is going up today. The temperature has climbed to 36℃。   Cathy: After a heavy rain, the temperature should drop a lot.   Kayla: Yes, there will be a cool day tomorrow.
谈论天气   凯茜:今天的天气热得要命,是不是?   凯拉:是的,今天天气很闷热。   凯茜:好几天总是要下雨的样子,但还是没下。   凯拉:现在天空乌云密布,刮风了。   凯茜:看起来一场雷雨即将来临。   凯拉:是有点风,但我喜欢微风。   凯茜:开始下小雨了。   凯拉:天气预报说今天下午将有阵雨。   凯茜:天气在转暖,是不是?   凯拉:是的,今天气温在上升。已上升到36摄氏度了。   凯茜:大雨过后,今天气温会降很多。   凯拉:是的,明天会是个凉爽的日子。