

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 13:28:41  点击:34

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   you like taking pictures?   你喜欢拍照片吗?   's been taking photographs for many years.   他从事摄影许多年了。    loves photography very much.   她非常喜欢摄影。
   is the one thing I really enjoy.   我对摄影真是乐此不疲。   's a good picture.   这张照片照得不错。    I take pictures here?   我能在这里照相吗?
   the button.   按快门。    are very photogenic.   你非常上相。    did you take this picture?   你什么时候照的这张相?
   was this picture taken?   这张相片在哪里拍的?    this really you in the picture?   这张相片里的真是你吗?    do you like your new digital camera?   你喜欢你的新数码相机吗?
   don't you get this picture enlarged?   你为什么不放大这张照片?    did you get the picture frames?   你在哪儿买的相框?    came out really bad in the picture.   我这张照片照得不好。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Photography   Cathy: Congratulations, Green! You've won the Photographic Prize for this year.   Green: Wonderful! I'm really happy.   Cathy: Well, your pictures are very good. How long have you been a photographer?   Green: Not very long…for about three years.   Cathy: You are really good at that.   Green: Yeah. That's the one thing I really enjoy.   Cathy: What's the most exciting photographic job you've ever worked on?   Green: Oh, definitely the visit of Hawaii! I took hundreds of pictures.   Cathy: Really? Could I see them?   Green: Hold on a second. They are right here.   Cathy: Wow! These are gorgeous. They came out really well.   Green:Thanks. 摄影   凯西:格林,祝贺你获得了今年的摄影大奖!   格林:太好了,我真是开心极了。   凯西:你的照片拍得非常好。你做摄影师多长时间了?   格林:不长……三年吧。   凯西:你干这个确实得心应手。   格林:对。对摄影我真是乐此不疲。   凯西:让你激动的摄影工作是哪一次?   格林:哦,毫无疑问是去夏威夷,我照了上百张照片。   凯西:真的吗?我能看看照片吗?   格林:请稍等一会儿。都在这里。   凯西:噢!真美,照片都照得很好。   格林:谢谢!   以上就是天津汉普森英语小编为您整理的摄影常用英语口语对话,天津汉普森英语常年开设少儿英语,青少年英语,成人英语,企业英语等课程,欢迎大家进入天津汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。