

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 15:37:36  点击:36

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   generally ride my bike to school.   我通常是骑自行车上学。    always goes to work on foot.   他总是步行上班。    is good for our environment.   骑自行车对环境有利。
   people are taking to their bikes because they are being encouraged to lead healthier lifestyles.   越来越多的人迷上了骑自行车,因为这是被鼓励采用的一种健康方式。    you go to work by bicycle instead of by car, you may get more exercise.   如果你骑车上班而不是开车,你会有更多的锻炼。    don't we go there by bike?   为什么咱不骑自行车去那儿呢?
   should ride along the bicycle line.   你应该沿着自行车道骑。    than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.   与其乘坐拥挤的公共汽车,他倒总是更愿意骑自行车。    costs more than you think to run a car.   养一辆车比你想像的要贵得多。
   and more people are buying cars and this might turn out to be the major cause of the air pollution.   现在越来越多的人开始拥有私家车,这也许是造成空气污染的主要原因吧。    makes you lazy, and it's not as environmentally friendly as cycling.   开车会让你变懒,而且不如骑自行车环保。    is good for you.   骑自行车对你有好处。
   offered to drive us to the zoo, but we preferred to walk.   他提出要开车带我们去动物园,但我们喜欢步行。    a bike is more conducive to environmental protection.   骑自行车有利于环保。    can reduce the amount we use cars.   我们可以人为地减少用车次数。    02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Riding a Bicycle or Driving a Car   Bailey: How do you usually get to school?   Cailyn: I usually ride my bike. Which form of transport do you prefer to use?   Bailey: I feel that I can see more when I ride a bicycle, but when I feel lazy, I drive my car.   Cailyn: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars. They produce too much pollution!   Bailey: I agree, but I would find it difficult to stop using my car. lIt's just so convenient.   Cailyn: Cars might be convenient, but they are so bad for the environment.   Bailey: Do you have a car?   Cailyn: No, I used to have one though. once I started using my bicycle to get around, I found that I didn't really need it.   Bailey: Maybe if I sold my car now, I wouldn't be so tempted to use it.   Cailyn: You could try. It would save you a lot of money.   Bailey: That's true. Every month, I spend hundreds of dollars on gas, insurance and repairs.   Cailyn: If you got to class by bicycle every day instead of by car, you will get lots of exercise, too!
骑自行车还是开车   贝莉:你一般怎么去学校?   凯琳:我一般都骑自行车去。你喜欢哪种交通工具?   贝莉:我觉得蹬自行车的时候可以看到更多的风景,但是犯懒的时候我就开车。   凯琳:我觉得我们应该劝人们尽量少开私家车。汽车制造的污染太严重了!   贝莉:我同意,不过我觉得不开车很难。开车实在太方便了。   凯琳:开车可能是很方便,但是对环境的影响太恶劣了。   贝莉:你有车吗?   凯琳:没有。以前有过。后来开始骑自行车才发现,其实我并不是特别需要汽车。   贝莉:没准我现在要是把我的汽车给卖了,也就不会非用它不可了。   凯琳:你可以试试看。那样可以帮你省下一大笔钱。   贝莉:没错。我每个月都要花上百美元付那些油费、保险费和修理费。   凯琳:如果你要是加入骑自行车的行列而不是开车,你还能得到很多锻炼呢!   以上就是北京汉普森英语小编为您整理的关于绿色出行英语情景对话,北京汉普森英语常年开设少儿英语,青少年英语,成人英语,企业英语等课程,欢迎大家进入北京汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。