

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 16:58:29  点击:23

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型:   This car corners very well.   这辆车转弯非常平稳。   I've turned the front lights on ;it's getting dark.   我把车的前灯打开了,因为天色开始变暗了。   The speed limit on the freeway is 65 miles per hour.   高速公路的限速是时速65英里。   We've got to he careful .The road ahead is pretty icy/slippery.   我们得小心点儿,前面的路结冰严重/很滑。   My car stalled half way up the hill.   我的车子开到半山腰抛锚了。   My car wasn't running 'd like you to have a look at it.   我的车跑起来不平稳。我想请你看看。   This car has been using a lot of petrol lately,far more than usual.   近来这辆车的耗油量很大,远远超过了平时的水平。   I think the oil is all right,but you'd better check it anyway.   我看机油没问题,不过你还是检查一下的好。   How far is the nearest gas station?   到近的加油站有多远?   I've got enough oil , but I haven't much water.   我有足够的机油,但是水不多了。   Could you have a look at the battery,please?   你能不能检查一下蓄电池?   The battery's quite low,and needs some distilled water.   蓄电池水位已经相当低了,需要加些蒸馏水。   Is there anything wrong with the car?   车子出什么问题了吗?
  实用对话:   A:Would you like your car to he cleaned and waxed?   B:It needs to he hand washed.   A:Exterior   B:Exterior   and interior?   please. It looks okay inside.   A:Will you come pick it up,or shall we drive it to your place?   B:Deliver it to Beijing hotel at about two o'clock this afternoon.   Here is my card.   A:Your car needs to he maintained over a certain period.   B:I want to install tint in the car windows.   A:You can enjoy a 20% discount,if you buy the car beauty card.   B:Good!That's what I want .Will you stick the products you sell with a price tag?   A:Of like auto cushions,seat and steering wheel covers,genuine leatherproducts and perfume also have their components stated clearly.   B .Glad to hear that.
  A:车子要清洁和打蜡吗?   B:人工洗一下就可以了。   A:内外部洗吗?   B:只洗外面,车里面看上去还不脏。   A:您要自己回来取车还是要我们帮你开回去?   B:今天下午2点送到北京饭店。这是我的名片。   A:你的车需要定期保养。   B:我想给车窗贴一下车膜。   A:现在购买洗车美容卡,可以享受八折优惠。   B:好的!我正需要一张。你们对销售的产品明码标价吗?   A:当然了。像汽车坐垫、座套、方向盘套、真皮产品和香水等产品还必须明确标明其成分。   B:听上去挺不错的。   以上就是佛山韦博英语小编为您整理的关于乘|驾私家车的英语对话,佛山韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语、旅游英语、一对一等课程,欢迎大家进入佛山韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。