

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 17:48:11  点击:23

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  Classic Sentences经典句子    not pick or harm flowers in the park.   别采摘或损伤公园里的花。    often take my children to play in the park.   我经常带我的孩引门去公园玩。    it had been fine, we would have gone to the park.   如果天气好的话,我们就去公园了。    walked across the park.   我穿过了公园。    park is only five minutes from downtown.   这个公园离市中心只有五分钟的路程。    city has many beautiful parks.   这城市有许多美丽的公园。    happened on Jenny in the park this morning.   今天早晨我在公园意外地遇到珍妮了。    father often takes me to the park on Sundays.   我父亲常在星期天带我到公园去。    through the park becomes my routine.   穿过公园慢跑成为我经常的活动。    asked us if we would go to the park tomorrow.   她问我们是否我们明天要去公园。    park has many fine fountains.   这公园里有很多不错的喷泉。    air is so fresh in the park.   公园里的空气真新鲜。    are a boon to people in big cities.   公园对大城市的居民是大有裨益的设施。    speaking, the parks are full on holidays.   一般来说,假日里公园都挤满了人。    room overlook Hyde park.   我的房间俯视海德公园。
  02 Useful Dialogue实用对话
  Wet Paint   Tommy: looked high and low for a bench to sit, but I still can't getone .iCan we sit on the grass, mum?   Mother:No, you can't .Tommy .The grass is wet.   Alice:Look, mum!I can see a bench near that tree.   Tommy:We can sit there.   Mother:No, you can't, children .The bench is wet, too.   Alice:It's not raining, mum .The bench isn't wet.   Mother:Can't you see a notice on the bench, Alice?   Alice:Yes, I can.   Mother:What does the notice say?   Alice:I can't read it .Can you read the notice, Tommy?   Tommy:I can read it .It says "Wet Paint"!
  油漆未干   汤米:妈妈,我到处找遍了,都没有找到一条长凳可以坐。我们可以坐在草地上吗?   母亲:不行,不可以,汤米。草地是湿的。   艾莉丝:看,妈妈!我看见树旁边有一条长凳。母亲:不,孩子们,不能坐那儿。那长凳也是湿的。   艾莉丝:妈妈,没有下雨啊,长凳不会湿的。   母亲:艾莉丝,难道你没有看见长凳上的布告吗?   艾莉丝:是的,我看见了。   母亲:布告上说了些什么?   艾莉丝:我不会读。汤米,你能读那个布告吗?   母亲:我能读。它写着‘油漆未干’。   汤米:我们可以坐那儿。   以上就是汉普森英语小编为您整理的逛公园的英语对话,汉普森英语常年开设外教一对一、商务英语,少儿英语,英语口语、英语补习等课程,欢迎大家进入汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。