

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 17:58:20  点击:20

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  Classic Sentences经典句子    seems we were children again when we go to the amusement park.   当我们到游乐场时,我们好像又回到了孩童时代。    children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park.   孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。    agreed to take the children to the amusement park.   我同意带孩子们去游乐场。    you have a good time at Fun Times Amusement Park last Sunday?   上周日你们在快乐时光游乐场玩得开心吗?    really want to go to Disneyland.   我真的想去迪斯尼乐园。    you ever been to the amusement park?   你去过游乐园吗?    will ride the ferris wheel.   我要坐摩天轮。    you ready to ride the ghost train?   你做好坐魔鬼列车的准备了吗?    had a cotton candy at the amusement park.   我在游乐园吃了棉花糖。    dare not ride the roller coaster.   我不敢坐过山车。    puppy show at the amusement park is very interesting.   游乐园的木偶表演很有趣。    will go to the fair tomorrow.   我们明天去游乐场。    is a new amusement park nearby.   附近有一个新的游乐场。    is an amusement park but we can also call it a themepark.   迪斯尼乐园是一个游乐场但我们也可以称它为主题公园。    can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.   在过山车里你随处都能找到迪士尼人物。
  02 Useful Dialogue实用对话
  At the Amusement Park   Kay:Here we are!Oh, Bob, it seems that we were children again.   Bob:Look at those excited adults on the rides!They look like children that never grew up. No wonder amusement parks are so popular-they make us young again!   Kay: Bob, let's go and take the cable car. Come this way.   Bob: Alright.   Staff: Ladies and gentlemen, put on your belts and fasten them. Doremember that you may not stand up before it stops.   Bob: Wow!We're going through the cave and then up to the top.   (after getting off the cars)   Kay:It drives me crazy .Really exciting!   Bob:It's a good experience, isn't it? Now what is the next one? How aboutthis Giant Pirate Boat? You dare not sit at the back...   Kay:Let's try some milder rides .How about the Merry-go-round? It looks abit childish, but I've always loved it.   Bob:I was keen on it, too .Let's relive our childhood!   Kay:It has truly brought back memories of the days when Susan and I rodethe carousel.   Bob:I think so
  在游乐园   凯:我们到了。哦,鲍勃,我们好像又回到了孩童时代。   鲍勃:看那些玩得这么高兴的成年人,他们真是一群长不大的孩子。难怪游乐园这么受欢迎-它使我们又变得年轻了!   凯:鲍勃,我们去坐缆车吧。这边走。   鲍勃:好啊。   工作人员:女士们,先生们,请系紧安全带。一定要记住缆车未停下之前不要站起来。   鲍勃:哇,我们要穿过山洞了,然后一直到山顶上。   (从缆车上下来后)   凯:我简直要疯了。真刺激!   鲍勃:难得的经历吧?不是吗?下面我们玩什么?乘‘’海盗船“怎么样?你不敢坐船尾的……   凯:让我们玩点温和一点的项目吧。旋转木马怎么样!虽然它看上去有点幼稚,但我一直很喜欢玩。   鲍勃:我也喜欢玩儿。让我们回到童年吧!   凯:它真的让我想起小时候和苏珊一起乘旋转木马的日子了。   鲍勃:我也这么认为。
