

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 20:07:30  点击:22

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  美甲英语对话-深圳美联英语   在进行日常生活英语口语的学习中,我们可以从网上下载的听、说、读、写的英语材料来进行学习。通过用生动的形象,真实的画面,优美动人的语言和音乐,刺激学习的兴趣和求知欲。而多学多练,进行英语口语的练习必不可少,深圳美联英语小编为大家整理一些生活英语口语对话,希望大家可以从中获得需要的知识,本篇为您整理美甲英语对话。
  01 Classic Sentences经典句子   's go shopping for some beautiful nail stickers.   我们去买一些漂亮的指甲贴吧。    can I keep my nail polish lasting longer?   我怎么才能让指甲油保持时间长一些?    are many nail care products on the market at the present.   目前市场上有很多指甲保养的产品。    your nails some breathing time between polishes.   在指甲上光期间要给你的指甲留一段呼吸时间。    want my cuticles cut, please.   请帮我修剪一下指甲周围的表皮。   06}Do you offer a special treatment for dry and cracked nails?   你们这里有没有针对干裂指甲的特殊治疗?   'd like to get a pedicure.   我想修理脚部的指甲。    long will it take to make my nails dry?   把指甲弄干需要多长时间?   'd like to manicure my nails round.   我想把指甲修成圆型的。    color do you like for your nail polishing?   你喜欢什么颜色的指甲油?    a 1ight nail varnish, please.   请用浅色的指甲油。    girls varnish their toe nails.   一些女孩子在脚趾甲上涂指甲油。    forget to take off my nail polish with remover我忘了用洗甲水卸掉指甲油。    can try manicuring your nailsinto square.   你可以试试把指甲修成方型的。    my fingernails and cut my toenails.   涂指甲油和剪脚指甲。
  02 Useful Dialogue 实用对话

  My New Nail Set   Toni : Rita, look at my new nail set . How do you think of it?   Rita : Wow ! Very pretty ! When did you have your nails manicured?   Toni : Last weekend . That nail beauty store offers many manicure servicesthere .   Rita : Did you do the full service?   Toni : No . I only paint and polish my nails . But they told me the full servicewould make my nails look a lot prettier and it was on discount.   Rita : Then why didn't you listen to them?   Toni : I think it is too dear . Eighty yuan for once . If I buy their card for tentimes, they will give a 10% discount.   Rita : I also think it is too expensive . How did they manicure your nails?   Toni : First the nail specialist repaired my nails, and then she let me choosethe nail polish . They have a selection of colors . It was hard to choose for me so thenail specialist helped me.   Rita : Oh, this color suits you well.   Toni : Yes, I am satisfied with it . 2Further more, the nail specialist is very kindto others.   Rita : Next time when I want to get a manicure, you can recommend her tome   Toni : No problem.
  深圳美联老师译文:   我新做的指甲   托妮:丽塔,你看我新做的指甲。你觉得怎么样?   丽塔:哇,很漂亮。你什么时候去修的指甲?   托妮:上周末。那家美甲店那里提供很多修甲服务。   丽塔:你做的全套服务吗?   托妮:没有,我只是做了磨光和上色。但是她们告诉我全套服务会使我的指甲看起来更漂亮,而且还有折扣呢。   丽塔:那你为什么没有听她们的建议?   托妮:我觉得太贵了。一次要80元。如果买他们一张10次的卡,她们会打九折。   丽塔:我也觉得有些贵。她们是怎么给你美甲的?   托妮:她们先是给我修理指甲,然后让我挑一种指甲油。她们那里有很多种颜色可选。对我来说,选个颜色有点难,所以那个美甲师就帮我选了。   丽塔:哦,这个颜色挺适合你的。   托妮:是呀,我很满意。还有,那个美甲师对人非常和善。   丽塔:下次我去美甲时,你可以把她推荐给我。   托妮:没问题。   以上就是深圳美联英语小编为您整理的美甲英语对话,深圳美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入深圳美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。