

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 21:08:08  点击:34

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

  's go for a ride.   我们开车去兜风吧。    have to slow it down a little bit.   我得把速度放慢一点。    is a no-passing lane.   这条路禁止通行。    is a very cautious driver.   他是个很谨慎的司机。   's the speed limit here?   这儿限速多少?    where you're going.   往意观察你的前进方向。    I see your driver's license?   能否让我看看你的驾驶执照?    you want me to drive?   你想让我来开车?    down a little.   放慢一点。    your seat belt.   系好你的安全带。    weather is too bad for driving.   这天气不适合开车。   're stuck in a traffic jam.   我们碰到了堵车。    car needs to be serviced.   我的车需要维护。    is backed up for a mile from the bridge.   从桥那边被堵的车有一英里长。    road is slippery when it's wet.   当路面湿的时候就有点滑。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Car Washing   John: What can I do for you?   Steve: I want to get my car washed.   John: Would you like regular car wash package?   Steve: I don't know what you mean.   John: Well, we will wash the exterior from top to bottom. We use a special shampoo, which gives the body extra shine.   Steve: Do you wash windows?   John: Of course. We wash the windows inside and out.   Steve: What about the interior?   John: We use a vacuum cleaner that removes all the dirt, and we throw away all the trash that we can find.   Steve: Sounds good. Regular car wash package will be OK.   John: OK. I got it.
洗车   约翰:有什么能帮忙的吗?   史蒂夫:我要洗车。   约翰:是要常规的全套洗车服务吗?   史蒂夫:我不知道你说的是什么意思。   约翰:我们会把车的外部从头到尾洗一遍。我们用一种特别的洗涤剂,会使车身显出特别的亮光。   史蒂夫:你们洗车窗吗?   约翰:当然,车窗里外都洗。   史蒂夫:车子里面怎么样呢?   约翰:我们用真空吸尘器把所有的灰尘除掉,把我们所能发现的垃圾都扔掉。   史蒂夫:听起来不错,要常规的全套洗车服务就可以。   约翰:好的,我知道了。   以上就是重庆美联英语小编为您整理的私家车英语怎么说,重庆美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入重庆美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。