

作者:qxsi   2022-06-23 01:17:22  点击:20

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   can I find the seafood section?   海鲜区在哪儿?    this ice cream on sale today?   今天这个冰淇琳打折吗?    is the sale over?   促销什么时候结束?    brand is more popular?   哪种牌子更受欢迎?    looks good but a little expensive.   看起来不错但是有点贵。    you have any pasta here?   这儿有意大利面吗?    you tell me where the frozen foods aisle is?   请告诉我冷冻食品在哪里?    want to buy some chocolates, but it's hard t choose from so many items on the shelves.   我想买些巧克力,但是货架上商品太多了很难选择。    you accept credit card?   可以用信用卡付款吗?    would you like to pay for this?   您怎么付款呢?    will pay by cash.   我用现金付款。   't this on sale?   这个不是打折吗?    I use coupons?   我可以使用优惠券吗?    you offer paper bag?   你们提供纸袋吗?    02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Going to the Supermarket   Carrie: Let's get a shopping cart.   Adam: Good idea.   Carrie: What are you going to buy?   Adam: Let's check out the fruit section first.   Carrie: OK. I'd like some peaches. But they don't look quite ripe yet.   Adam: Look, I'll take some nice fresh cherries! There are ripe and soft.   Carrie: I'll take some, too.   Adam: Let's go to the snacks section. I want some chocolate and sweets.   Carrie: OK. I'll go and buy some cakes.   Adam: Do you want to buy something else?   Carrie: I'd like to buy an electric iron. Where can I find them?   Adam: You can find it in the household appliances section.   Carrie: Which floor is the household appliances section on? I'm confused with so many items in the supermarket. 逛超市   卡丽:我们去拿一辆手推车吧。   亚当:好主意。   卡丽:你要买什么?   亚当:我们先去看看水果吧。   卡丽:好的,我想买些桃子。但这些看起来还不太熟。   亚当:你看,多棒多新鲜的樱桃!又熟又软。我决定买一些。   卡丽:我也买一些吧。   亚当:去看看零食吧。我想买些巧克力和糖果。   卡丽:好的,我去买蛋糕。   亚当:你还要买什么吗?   卡丽:我想买一个电熨斗。在哪里能找到呢?   亚当:也许你可以在家电区找到它。   卡丽:家电区在几楼?我被超市里这么多东西搞糊涂了。   以上就是江门美联英语小编为您整理的英语购物情景对话,江门美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入江门美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。