

作者:qxsi   2022-06-23 01:43:25  点击:27

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   books are due back on the eighth of October.   这些书10月8日到期。    can renew the book if you can't finish reading.   如果你没有看完这些书,你可以续借。    you tell me how to find books in the stacks here?   你能告诉我怎样在架子上找到书吗?    long can I keep it?   我能借多久?   's due two months from tomorrow.   从明天起再过两个月到期。    many books am I allowed to check out?   我一次可以借出多少本书?    if I'm not finished with it by the due date?   到了归还日期我还没读完怎么办?   'd like to renew the book for another week.   我想续借这本书一星期。    don't forget to return them by the due time. Or you'll have to pay fines.   'll have to pay the fine before you check those books.   在你借书之前你要先付清罚款。    came out of the library with a large book under his arm.   他夹着本厚书走出了图书馆。    take good care of the book. Thank you.   请您爱护书籍。谢谢合作。    return your book(s) in thirty days.   请于30日内归还图书。   , the books that you want are in circulation.   对不起,您要的书已借出。    reading room is large and quiet.   阅览室很大而且安静。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Borrowing Books   Lauren: Good morning, can I help you?   Mia: Good morning. I want to look for some books for my dad.   Lauren: Well, what kind of books does he like?   Mia: He is very fond of detective   Lauren: I see. Has he read any detective stories before?   Mia: Oh, yes!   Lauren: Do you know if he's read this one?   Mia: I'm not sure, but he probably won't remember if he has. He is very forgetful.   Lauren: Ah! He has a bad memory. How old is he?   Mia: He is seventy-seven.   Lauren: I suggest you take this book. 2It's very interesting.   Mia: Thank you. That's a good idea. He likes interesting books. Can you suggest another one? 借书   劳伦:早上好,有什么能帮您的吗?   米娅:早上好,我想给我父亲借几本书。   劳伦:好的,他喜欢什么类型的书?   米娅:他很喜欢侦探故事。   劳伦:明白了。他以前读过侦探故事吗?   米娅:噢,是的。   劳伦:你知不知道他读过这一本吗?   米娅:我不太确定,但是他可能不记得他是否读过了。他很健忘。   劳伦:啊!他记忆力不够好。他多大年纪了?   米娅:77岁。   劳伦:我建议你借这本书。这本书很有意思。   米娅:谢谢。那是个好主意。他喜欢有意思的书。你能给我再推荐一本吗?   以上就是无锡韦博英语小编为您整理的图书馆英语情景对话,无锡韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入无锡韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。