

作者:qxsi   2022-06-23 03:31:14  点击:23

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   don't clip too much.   不要剪太短。    trim it a bit.   只要修一下就行了。    would you like your hair set?   你喜欢什么发型?    need it cut short.   我想剪短发。    thin out my hair a bit.   请把我的头发打薄些。   'd like a crew cut.   我想剪平头。    behind, a little longer in front.   后面短,前面稍长。    you take a little more off the top, please?   顶部的头发再减掉一些好吗?    bit shorter at the back. Not so much on the sides.   后面稍短些。两鬓理低些。    charge 10 yuan for a haircut there.   在那里理一次发要收10元。    should I cut it, sir?   先生,我该怎么给您剪发呢?    the bangs long, please.   请把刘海留长一些。    would like to make an appointment for a hairdo, please.   我想预约理发。    can't wait any more.   我不能再等了。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 At the Barber's   Hairdresser: It's your turn, madam. Would you please take a seat here?   Ms. Shirley: Thank you. How long it take to get my daughter's hair cut?   Hairdresser: It shouldn't be long. Twenty minutes, maybe. Are you in a hurry?   Ms. Shirley: No. I'm thinking that maybe I can get my hair shampooed.   Hairdresser: Good. There are some interesting magazines on the coffee table. You can read them when I am having your daughter's hair cut.   Ms. Shirley: Good idea.   (Twenty minutes later)   Hairdresser: Now I can serve you. Do you want a massage? Massage is especially good when you are tired. Because it helps you relax.   Ms. Shirley: Then I won't say no to that.   (The massage is finished.)   Hairdresser: How do you like it?   Ms. Shirley: I feel totally refreshed.   Hairdresser: We have discount yuan for ten times. Would you like to have one?   Ms. Shirley: This time included?   Hairdresser: Of course.   Ms. Shirley: Then yes. 在理发店   理发师:轮到您了,夫人。请您坐这边来好吗?   雪莉夫人:谢谢。我女儿理发需要多长时间?   理发师:不会很长的。大概20分钟吧。您有急事吗?   雪莉夫人:没有。我在考虑也许应该洗个头发。   理发师:好啊。桌上有些好看的杂志。我在给您女儿理发的时候,您先看看杂志吧。   雪莉夫人:好主意。   (20分钟之后)   理发师:现在,我可以为您服务了。您想按摩吗?当你疲劳的时候,按摩是特别好的。因为它能帮助你放松。   雪莉夫人:我很乐意。   (按摩结束了。)   理发师:您感觉如何?   雪莉夫人:我感觉焕然一新。   理发师:我们有优惠券。100元10次。您想办理一张吗?   雪莉夫人:包含这一次吗?   理发师:当然可以。   雪莉夫人:那好吧,我办一张。