

作者:qxsi   2022-06-23 12:28:01  点击:24

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  We are now living in a throw-away society. What causes the problem? Make some recommendations.   我们现在生活在一个丢弃型社会。是什么造成这种现象?并给出你的建议。
  With the rapid development of society, mankind has entered a throw-away society. We can find metal tins, plastic bags and all kinds of packages thrown away everywhere. It seems that we are addicted to a habit of throwing away anything around us as soon as it is thought useless, which is a threatening social ailment.
  As for me, two contributing factors can be identified. Initially, modern technology renders it possible to replace the old with the new at a faster pace. It is a fact that because great strides are achieved in science, one-off products have permeated every corner of our life. Accordingly, this so-called convenience leads to the phenomenon that the used chopsticks, shopping bags, and water bottles are littered randomly. Moreover, lack of the awareness of environmental protection exacerbates the serious problem. It is highly probable that we throw away articles not on the purpose of contaminating the environment,but involuntarily and we are blind to the relevant detriments. Therefore, gradually rubbish accumulates at an alarming rate, and environment becomes the victim to this ugly behavior.
  Before our society becomes a waste dump, it is high time that relevant measures should be taken. Firstly,one-off products should be strictly controlled or abandoned, if possible. As we know, easy access to those products is the main culprit of the popularity of this head aching practice. Secondly, the environmentally friendly education should top the agenda of the government. Obviously, if everyone is fully informed of preciousness but fragility of environment, he or she will think twice next time as for throwing away anything.
  Inevitably, the satisfactory solution to the throwing-away society calls for cooperation and coordination between government and individuals. In the future, it is hoped that the society will turn from a throwing- away one to a recycling-oriented society. 考官评分:8分。
  资深老师解析:解释型题目,使用的是基本同对称式结构。   随着社会的迅猛发展,人类进入丢弃型社会。我们可以看到易拉罐、塑料袋和各种包裹被随意地扔在四处。我们似乎养成了把身边只要是没用的东西就随手乱扔的习惯,这是个令人担忧的社会问题。