

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 10:40:51  点击:47

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  托福范文是很多同学备考托福写作的重要资料,但是有些同学却是死记硬背,到了真正考试的时候却不知道如何使用这些背下来的托福范文。上海小编为大家提供托福范文及其译文,大家要兼收并蓄,奠定良好的词汇语法基础,终形成自己的写作风格,本篇托福范文是关于人类过于繁忙的,如今,人们忙碌于太多的事情,以至于什么事都做不好,以下就是关于人类过于繁忙的托福作文范文。   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, people are busy doing too many things at a time, so they cannot do anything well.
  I agree that many people are too busy, but I do not agree that they cannot do anything well.
  In this modern era in which communication by computer, cell phone, Skype, etc. is so easy and in which travel is so much faster, whether locally by private car, taxi, subway and bus or for greater distance by train and plane, people are better able to coordinate,consult, give guidance, ask for help, place orders, ship goods, etc. Thus it is obvious that they would be busier because they can now get much more done in their businesses by better coordination with those in distant places as in the review of computer downloads for new product designs, listening to proposed theme music for a new TV series via the net; learning more and learning it faster in education and research by use of on- line libraries, easier consultation with distant experts, attendance at conferences; and participating more in social activities as simple as having a pleasant conversation with a distant loved one via Skype, sending e一birthday cards, seeing instant pictures of new-born grandchildren, or booking at flight on line to go to see the child.
  Yes, life definitely has the potential to be much busier than for previous generations but obviously people are still “doing things well”。 Improved medical procedures such as face transplants are being regularly developed; great improvements in communication technology such as I-Pad, I-Pod, computer books, etc. are being announced almost daily;breakthroughs in space exploration such as the recently shown first-ever 3D view of the sun, the announcement of the discovery of more than 1,000 potentially inhabitable planets; and excellent, interesting and moving music, movies, books and works of art are still being created in great number.
  是的,我们的生活的确有可能比上几代人更为繁忙得多,但是我们显然也能把事情都处理好。改良过的医疗程序例如脸部移植,一直在定期更新;通讯技术的进步成果例如苹果平板电脑和苹果音乐播放器、电子书等等,几乎每日都被公布出来;还有太空探索的突破,比如近公布的有史以来首次太阳三维观测,和1 000多个可能适于居住星球的发现公布;以及正在创作的大量出色的、有趣的和感人的音乐、电影、书籍和艺术作品。
  Yes, people are busy, very busy, but people are obviously still doing things well, and from the looks of all the progress, people are doing it even better!
  是的,人们很忙,非常的忙,但是人们仍然能处理好事情。从人类发展进程全局来看,人们甚至比以前做得更好!   以上就是上海小编为整理的关于人类过于繁忙的托福作文范文,小编提醒你,静心地思考你的英文作文同范文文本的差异,学习范文文本的起承转合的技巧,学习范文文本长句短句的错落交叉,学习范文文本的准确用词--这些都是在你的文章有了思路和结构之后阻碍你得高分的重要因素。同时建议有条件的同学参加托福培训班,接受系统的托福培训,以查漏补缺,迅速提升托福成绩。