

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 11:13:03  点击:40

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  托福范文是很多同学备考托福写作的重要资料,但是有些同学却是死记硬背,到了真正考试的时候却不知道如何使用这些背下来的托福范文。深圳环球雅思小编为大家提供托福范文及其译文,大家要兼收并蓄,奠定良好的词汇语法基础,终形成自己的写作风格,本篇托福范文是关于高薪与工时的,一个是高薪但是工作时间长的工作,只有很少的时间可以与家人和朋友在一起;一个是低薪但是工作时间短的工作,却可以有很多时间与家人和朋友在一起,你会选择哪一个,以下就是关于高薪与工时的托福作文范文。   Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.   一个是高薪但是工作时间长的工作,只有很少的时间可以与家人和朋友在一起;一个是低薪但是工作时间短的工作,却可以有很多时间与家人和朋友在一起,你会选择哪一个?请用具体的理由和事例来解释你的选择。   Everyone likes to have good times with family and friends but to make this the most important aspect in one's life is shortsighted and the quality of the “enjoyment” would be less varied and interesting if the job were not high-paying. I would choose a high-paying job with long hours because such a job has much greater long-term benefits for myself, my family and for others.   所有人都想和家人朋友一起度过快乐时光,但若把这看作人生中重要的方面则是目光短浅的。如若没有高薪的工作,与家人朋友一起享受乐趣的质量和多样性将会受到影响。因此,我会选择高薪工时长的工作,因为它可以使我自己、家人和其他人长期受益。   In the first place, high pay means that I could provide a better life for my family-a good home, plenty of food, nice clothes, nice birthday presents and money for my children's education. These factors are more important than a few more hours a week to spend with family if it meant, for instance that I could not send my kid to a good school or pay for needed medical treatments.   首先,高薪意味着我可以为家人提供更好的生活:优质的住房、丰富的食物、漂亮的衣服、美好的生日礼物、还有孩子的教育费用。这些因素比每周多与家人待几个小时重要得多,如果它意味着我不能让自己的孩子读好的学校或者支付不了需要的医疗费用。有了好工作,我的妻子就不需要外出工作了,她可以花更多的时间照顾孩子,给他们更好的生活。   With a good job, my wife would not need to work and she could spend more time caring for the children and giving them a good , with a good job, I could save up money for a good retirement and then have lots of leisure with my wife to travel, enjoy a more active social life and be able to be generous with my grandchildren.   其次,高薪工作还可以为我以后的退休生活存下更多的钱。有了这些钱,我在退休之后可以和妻子享受闲暇,一起旅行,享受更活跃的社交生活,还能对我的孙辈们更加慷慨。   Lastly, with a good paying job, despite the long hours, I could also be more generous with my friends and with needy people. The guy who has an easy job with lots of free time but little money cannot help himself in a crisis much less his friends, his family and the needy who enter his life.   后,尽管高薪工作的工时较长,但我可以更为慷慨地对待朋友和其他需要帮助的人。而那些从事简单的工作、有大段空闲时间却没有钱的人,他们在遇到危机时都自顾不暇,更不用说去帮助朋友、家人和其他需要的人。   So, in order to provide a good life for my family, enable my wife to concentrate on the family, have an enjoyable retirement and be a responsible, generous person, I would definitely choose the high-pay, long-hour job.
  因此,为了给我的家人提供更好的生活,让我的妻子能够集中照顾家庭,并在以后过上优越的退休生活,成为一个负责、慷慨的人,我当然会选择高薪长时的工作。   以上就是深圳环球雅思小编为整理的关于高薪与工时的托福作文范文,小编提醒你,静心地思考你的英文作文同范文文本的差异,学习范文文本的起承转合的技巧,学习范文文本长句短句的错落交叉,学习范文文本的准确用词--这些都是在你的文章有了思路和结构之后阻碍你得高分的重要因素。同时建议有条件的同学参加托福培训班,接受系统的托福培训,以查漏补缺,迅速提升托福成绩。