

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 14:47:00  点击:24

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  研究范围   We’re going to look at the sales figures for the Spain,China and USmarkets.   我们将要看一下西班牙、中国和美国市场的销售数据。市场表现

  From the first quarter to the second quarter the US market actually had anincrease in sales by 5%.   从第一季度到第二季度,美国市场销量实际上增长了5%

  oThe sales in China rose by 2%.

  Our exports have been selling well, as has our domestic market.   与国内市场一样,我们的外贸销量也一直很好。
  原因   Production costs have sky-rocketed.   生产成本迅猛增长。
  Last year at this time, we were paying 30% what we are now paying peritem.   去年这个时候,我们的单位产品的成本支出只占现在的30%。
  The change in exchange rates has worked in our favor.   汇率的改变有利于我们。
  This has helped to offset the production costs marginally.   这稍微抵消了生产成本的增长。
  情景对话   对话场景:Mark的报告描述了公司在3个国家的销售情况,以及由成本和利率变化所带来的影响。   句型重点:描述不同地区的销售业绩。
  Mark:Today we're going to look at the sales figures forthe Spain,China and US markets.
  First of all,the sales in these markets have been betterthan expected. Despite the fact that we've been in arecession for the last few quarters, from the first quarterto the secend quarter the US market actually had anincrease in sales by 5%. Likewise, over the same periodof time,Spain saw an increase of %. The sales inChina rose by 2%.
  Unfortunately, it is not just the sales figures that haveincreased. Production costs have sky-rocketed. Last yearat this time,we were paying 30% what we are nowpaying per item. This has cut into our profits significantly.
  Fortunately, we have also seen a change in exchangerates that has worked in our favor. This has helped tooffset the production costs marginally.
  Our exports have been selling well,as has our domesticmarket. Looking at profit only,our domestic markethas done better. This is probably due to the fact thatour clients tend to purchase local products more thaninternational products during tough times like these.
  Looking at our domestic market in more detail,you cansee that the sales had a slight dip in the first quarter, buthave risen dramatically from last year. You can look atpage thirty-two of your document for more information.
  That is the end of my presentation on sales figures in ourregional markets. I expect you all have questions,sofeel free to ask.
  沈阳美联英语小编译文:   马克:今天我们将看一下西班牙、中国和美国市场的销售数据。