

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 22:18:17  点击:25

未认证 谨防假冒!


  投诉信是要表达某人的不满之情。而此种不满往往是由于其他人或事有不当之处,抑或是其本人正处于某种困境。投诉的原因以及相关的要求可置于报怨之词前面,也可置于其后。写投诉信时你应该:   1.指明你要投诉的是什么。   2.表明你对服务、产品等不满意的原因。   3.说明你购买此商品或者服务的时间和地点。   4.说明你所希望的解决方法。   常用句型 Useful Sentences
  Formal正式的   1. I regret to inform you that the…我很遗憾地告知你……   2. I am sorry to say that…很遗憾,……   3. Could you please not…请你不要……   4. I would be happy if you could exchange it or refund my money.如果你能给我换货或退款的话,我会非常高兴。   5. I am writing to make a strong complaint about…此次写信是要就…一事表达我的强烈不满。   6. I am writing in order to strongly complain about…为了强烈地投诉…一事特此致信。   7. I am writing to strongly protest about…我以此信强烈地反对……   Informal非正式的   1. It really upsets me that… …使我感到非常不快。   2. It made me so upset that you… 你(们)……使我感到非常不快。   3. I don't think you realize how upsetting to me it was…我认为你(们)没有意识到对于……我是多么的不快。   4. Can you stop…?你(们)能不能停止……?   5. If you don't… I will… 如果你(们)不……,我就要……   经典范文 Model Subject : Lateness Dear all.
  I would like to pass on the concern I feel regarding employees who consistently arrive late for work. While I realize that traffic in the morning is heavier due to highway construction, it is still important for staff to be in their offices ready to begin work at 9: 00 . I know that it may require extra effort,but punctuality is an important element of customer service.   We appreciate the dedication and hard work that all the members of our staff give, and hope that this problem can be nipped in the bud before it becomes serious. If you have suggestions regarding measures we can take as a company to ease the challenges caused by increased traffic problems,please bring them to our next staff meeting for discussion.
Yours truly, Eric Tang 主题:迟到 致全体员工:
  近员工迟到现象频繁,我对此事十分关注。我知道,由于修建高速公路,早晨的交通拥堵更严重了,但对于员工们来说,上午9点准时到办公室准备开始工作始终是很重要的。我知道,这可能要求额外的付出,但是,守时是客户服务的重要组成部分。   我们非常感谢所有员工的敬业精神和辛勤劳动。我希望此问题能够尽快得到解决而不是愈演愈烈,如何解决文通拥堵日益严重所带来的问题?哪位员工如果有可在整个公司实施的办法,请在我们的下一次员工大会上提出来供大家讨论。