

作者:qxsi   2022-06-25 09:11:56  点击:23

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  SAT阅读词汇题与写作基调题型解析(广州智美教育 吴艳)   对于SAT阅读部分的考试,题型的难易是有差别的。在SAT的众多题型中,比较容易把握住的题型是词汇word meaning、写作基调tone、作者态度attitude、作者评论comment这几类。在本篇讲解中,我们先来看这样几类题型,帮助大家把容易拿到分数的题型先熟悉并且解决,这样,就可以在阅读考试中增加正确率,也可以提高做题的速度。   一、词汇题Word meaning   对于此类题目,我们需要把选项中的词汇带回原文,选择适合原文语境的选项,也就是说,同义词的选项不一定是正确的选项。值得注意的是,在寻找原文的语境时,不可只看题干词汇所在的那一句或是半句,而是要结合上下文,至少是题干词汇所在位置前后的2-3句话。   广州智美教育 老师举例:   In line 43, “fair” most nearly means   A. right   B. attractive   C. impartial   D. adequate   E. moderate   原文:Finally, I felt the sullen rage of one whose suggestions have been systematically rejected and I exploded. “Why don’t you stop? It’s not fair to look at people and then not stop!”   在这个例子中,我们可以发现,文章要表现对于“父亲”不停车的事实表示愤怒,所以划线部分应该选择“合理”、“正确”之意,贴近于题干同义词的选项是A和C, 我们把每个选项带回原文中,发现A项是正确的。   举例2:   In line 74, “homely” most nearly means   A. simple   B. ugly   C. domestic   D. secure   E. comfortable   原文:She encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit. That in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations.   在这个例子中,我们可以找到homely所在句子的前后有对比的含义,也就是说“在homely的语录中蕴含着几代人的智慧”。因此,我们要找的含义为“简单”、“单调”等等,与homely同义的选项有A和B项,正确的答案为A。   还有一个明显偏离同义选项的例子:   In context, the word “visited” (line 35) most nearly means   A. called on   B. shared an experience with   C. resided temporarily with   D. haunted   E. afflicted   原文:This was a hard thing to bear, but this was nothing. I had not advanced another two hundred yards, when, to my inexpressible terror, amazement, and indignation, I again beheld Trabb’s boy approaching. He was coming round a narrow corner. His blue bag was slung over his shoulder, honest industry beamed in his eyes, a determination to proceed to Trabb’s with cheerful briskness was indicated in his gait. With a shock he became aware of me, and was severely visited as before; but this time his motion was rotatory, and he staggered round and round me with knees more afflicted, and ...   在这个例子中,visited的同义选项为A项,但是根据原文的意思,不应该选择“被拜访的”含义,根据本句及上文的内容,通过排除法可以判断出,选择的是E项。   二、写作基调tone   对于写作基调的题目,我们可以概括地讲,比例略大一些的题目是选择比较消极的基调,比如讽刺、后悔、难过等等,其他的题目涉及的基调则种类比较多样,比如坚定、欣赏、分析、乐观等等。这种题的做题方法是在原文中寻找带有明显感情色彩的词汇或句子,或者看原文的句式及标志性的词汇,根据这些提示性的内容判断文章的基调。我们来看下面的例子:   Overall, the narrator’s tone in the passage is best described as   A. celebratory   B. reverent   C. confident   D. condescending   E. regretful   原文:   I had sold out.   I hadn’t played square with my myth.   I had betrayed that order.   It was no good soothing myself with...   在上面的句子中,通过sold out/ hadn’t played square/betrayed/no good soothing首先可以判断出,选择消极的基调,然后根据含义,选择E项。   再来看下面的例子:   The tone of the opening sentence of each passage is best described as   A. pensive   B. ironic   C. hyperbolic   D. assured   E. reverent   原文:   Variable work schedules are an inexpensive way for employers to offer their workers greater flexibility.   Fusion of home and work will bring an end to weekends.   在原文的两个句子中,我们可以分析出,句子为陈述句,而且为下定义的语气,因此答案选择D项。   第三个例子:   The author’s tone in the final paragraph is best described as   A. impatient   B. anxious   C. apologetic   D. optimistic   E. emotional   原文:Perhaps my brown rice needs packaging, a frame that links the natural food community with a Japanese American sensibility. I imagine a type of brown rice sushi, with the rice encased within nori seaweed, a literal and symbolic wrapping within Japanese tradition. Brown rice then would no longer substitute for white rice on a dinner plate but rather be a creative, alternative form of making and serving food.   划线的部分出现了比较多的积极、预测的含义,因此,根据原文含义,我们可以选择D项。   (未完待续)