

作者:qxsi   2022-06-25 12:36:01  点击:21

未认证 谨防假冒!


  展会时间   We have a trade show in Frankfurt next month.我们下个月在法兰克福有个贸易展览会。   The exhibition opens on the 15th and lasts five days.   展会15号开幕,持续5天。   We will leave on October 5th to set up the booth.   我们10月5号出发去布置展位。
  筹备情况   Who's going to man the booth?我们的展位谁负责?   It's the same size as the booth we had last year.展位和去年一样大。   How much time will we have to set up the booth before the event starts?   活动开始前我们要用多长时间才能布置好展位?   We have 2,000 copies of the handouts.我们有2, 000份传单。   We need one thousand more corporate brochures.   我们还需要增加11000份分司的宣传手册。
  展会安排   Will we have any free time to look at the other exhibitions?我们会有空余时间去看其他的展览吗?   I've scheduled in some free time for everyone.我已经为每个人都安排了自由参观时间。
  情景对话   对话场景:公司即将参加国际展会。活动经理和莎拉核对准备情况。   句型重点:说明展会的布置和准备情况。   Event Manager:Do you have any questions about theexhibition next month?活动经理:你对下个月的展览有什么疑问吗?   Sarah:Who is going?莎拉:都有谁去?   Event Manager:Everyone from the marketing team willgo for a day or two,but I’d like you to be there for theentire four days.活动经理:销售团队的每个人都会去一两天,但我希望你能在那儿待完这全部的4天。   Sarah:Are the handouts prepared yet?莎拉:传单准备好了吗?   Event Manager:Yes,we have 2,000 copies of the handouts in boxes in the storage room.活动经理:是的,我们将2, 000份传单放在储藏室的箱子里了。   Sarah:How big is the booth?莎拉:展位有多大面积?   Event Manager:It's the same size as the booth we hadat the Exhibition we had in Cardiff last year.活动经理:与我们去年在卡迪夫展会的面积一样大。   Sarah:That’s a good size. How much time will we haveto set up the booth before the event starts?莎拉:面积正合适。活动开始前我们要用多长时间才能布置好展位?   Event Manager:We’re allowed into the exhibition centre the night before it begins,so I think we’ll haveabout four hours.活动经理:在活动开始的前一天晚上,我们就能获许进入展览中心,所以我认为我们大约会有四小时的时间。   Sarah:Will we have any free time to look at the otherexhibitions and to go to the presentations?莎拉:我们会有空余时间去看看其他的展览,听听他们的发布会吗?   Event Manager:Yes,I've scheduled in some free timefor everyone to do that. It will be a good opportunity forus all to learn more about our competitors.活动经理:有,我已经为每个人都安排了自由时间去做这些事情。这是我们进一步了解竞争对手的大好时机。   Sarah:I’m looking forward to it莎拉:我很期待这场展览。 以上是厦门美联英语学校小编为大家整理提供的关于参加展会的英语对话内容。