

作者:qxsi   2022-06-25 18:27:26  点击:24

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  Talking about Food   John : Eating is a real passion for me.   Sharon: Me. too.   John : I love all types of food. Which is your favorite dish?   Sharon: Ahm...my favorite type of food is probably Sichuan food which is one of the spiciest Chinese cuisines.   John : I am a big fan of spicy food, too.'   Sharon: I have visited Chengdu and the food there was quite amazing.   John : Spicy food is good in the winter.   Sharon: Because it can warm you up when the weather is cold!   John : Yes, I think so. Eating Sichuan food in the room makes me feel really good when the weather is very cold outside.   Sharon: Oh, my mouth is watering.   John : Maybe we can go to a Sichuan restaurant for supper.   Sharon: Good idea!
  约翰:我对品尝美食真的很有激情。   莎伦:我也是。   约翰:我喜欢所有类型的食物。你喜欢什么菜?   莎伦:嗯……我喜欢四川菜,这是中国菜中辣的菜之一。   约翰:我也非常喜欢辣味食物。   莎伦:我去过成都,那里的美食真的非常棒。   约翰:冬天吃辣味的食物很好。   莎伦:因为冬天吃辛辣的食物能使你暖和起来!   约翰:是的,我也这么认为。当外面很冷的时候,坐在屋子里吃四川菜感觉爽的很好。   莎伦:噢,我都在流口水了。   约翰:也许我们晚饭可以去一家四川餐馆。   莎伦:好主意!
  在餐馆的英语对话   01|The smell of garlic is disgusting.   ★ disgusting [dis?ɡ?sti?] a. 令人厌恶的大蒜的味道令人感到厌恶。   02|It tastes weird.   味道很怪。   03|This dish has an excellent flavor!   ★ flavor [?fleiv?] n. 风味   这菜风味绝佳。   04|This pizza is exceedingly good!   ★ exceedingly [ik?si?di?li] a. 非常地   这比萨非常好!   05|Well, the chicken's overdone.   这鸡肉烧得太老了。   06|You should try this dish. It tastes really good.   你应该试试这个菜,它的味道真的很好。   07|There's too much salt in the meat.   肉里盐放得太多了。
  08|This meat is too fatty.   这肉太肥了。   09|These pork chops are great.   猪排太香了。   10|How's the haddock?   鳕鱼怎么样?   11|The cheesecake is very tasty.   奶酪蛋糕非常可口。   12|This looks delicious.   看上去真好吃。   13|It's too spicy!   真辣呀!   14|The sliced raw fish smells good.   生鱼片闻起来味道不错。   15|I've never tasted anything as delicious as this.   我从未吃过这么美味的东西。   经典背诵   Hanging over the Abyss悬在深渊
  A man walking in the night slipped from a rock. Afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet, because he knew that place was a very deep valley, he took hold of a branch that was hanging over the rock. In the night all he could see was a bottomless abyss. He shouted; his own shout reflected back一there was nobody to can imagine that man and his whole night of torture. Every moment there was death; his hands were becoming cold; he was losing his grip... and as the sun came out, he looked down and he was no abyss. Just six inches down there was a rock. He could have rested the whole night, slept well一the rock was big enough一but the whole night was a nightmare.   I say to you that fear is only six inches deep. Now it is up to you whether you want to go on clinging to the branch and turn your life in to a nightmare, or whether you would love to leave the branch and stand on your feet.   There is nothing to fear.

  绍兴美联英语学校老师译文:   一个行走在夜间的人不慎从一块岩石上滑倒,生怕他掉下万丈深渊,因为他知道那是一个很深的峡谷,他紧紧握住了悬在岩石上的一根树枝。深夜里,他所能看到的就是无底深渊。他大喊,声音被反射回来,没有人能听到他的喊声。可以想象这个人和他的整个受尽折磨的夜晚。每一刻都在面临死亡;他的手逐渐变冷;他渐渐地放松手柄……当太阳升起时,他往下一看,大笑。根本没有深渊。仅在六英尺下是一块岩石。岩石足够大,他完全可以好好睡一晚上,但是整晚是一场噩梦。   我想告诉大家的是恐惧只有六英尺深。你是想抓紧那根树枝,然后使你的生活变成一场噩梦;还是愿意放开那根树枝,自己站起来,现在由你自己决定。   以上是由绍兴美联英语学校小编为您提供关于在餐馆的英语对话的全部内容。