

作者:qxsi   2022-06-29 16:21:32  点击:29

未认证 谨防假冒!


  核心短语   ♦urban pollution 城市污染   ♦industrial waste 工业垃圾   ♦household waste 家庭垃圾   ♦street waste 街头垃圾   ♦non一biodegradable rubbish 不能生物降解的垃圾.   ♦recyclable waste 可回收垃圾
recyclable adj. 可再循环使用的.   ♦collect, sort and reuse 回收、筛选、再利用.   ♦dump rubbish 倾倒垃圾.   ♦illegal dumping 非法倾倒垃圾.   ♦garbage classification 垃圾分类   ♦dispose of rubbish 处理垃圾   ♦recycle the waste 回收垃圾   ♦garbage burning 垃圾焚烧
  经典例句   Presently, only a very small proportion of household waste is recycled in my country.   目前在我们国家,只有很少一部分的家庭垃圾得以回收。
  Large amount of industrial rubbish is poisonous and thus poses serious threat to people' s health.   大量的工业垃圾是有毒的,对人们的健康构成了严重的威胁。
  The authority have to invest more money in efficient disposal of rubbish, and the large一scale campaign against ugly of rubbish, and the large一scale campaign against ugly phenomenon such as random garbage一throwing and spitting should be launched without any delay.   政府应该投入更多的资金来高效地清理垃圾,大规模运动抵制就像随地乱扔垃圾和吐痰的运动应该及时发起。
  Large sums of money should be invested in the improvement of the environment, such as the treatment of waste water,trash recycling and so on.   政府应投入大笔资金来改善环境,比如污水的治理,垃圾的回收等。

  以上是由广州新航道小编为您整理的关于垃圾处理的雅思短语例句 的全部内容。