

作者:qxsi   2022-06-29 23:38:57  点击:22

未认证 谨防假冒!


  1. Do you often go to the theater/concerts/exhibitions?   你会不会经常去剧院/音乐会/看展览?
  I currently don't,but I did when I was a kid. My parents often took me to concerts when I was little. The city I grew up in is famous for its cultural venues.   现在不常去了,但是小时候我经常去。小时候,我的父母常常带我去听音乐会。我的家乡以其文化场所而出名。
  2. Could you please talk about the last time you went to a cultural event?   是否能请你谈谈上次你参加的文化活动?
  The last public cultural event I attended was at an ancestral temple in the Chinese countryside somewhere. I witnessed and even participated in the breathtaking event. Descendants of the temple's ancestral godlike representatives carried out many rituals and incense burning. They also held a fireworks show and ate special food to serve their predecessors.   上次我参加的公共文化活动是在中国农村的一个古庙里。我观看并亲身参与了这一场激动人心的活动。这座神庙的后代信徒们举行了很多仪式,比如祈祷和上香,还有焰火表演和吃特殊的食物,来纪念他们的先祖。
  星级词汇:   ancestral adj.祖先的 breathtaking adj.激动人心的
descendant n.后代 ritual n .仪式,典礼
incense n.香 predecessor n .祖先.
  3. What kinds of cultural events do Chinese people like to go to?   中国人喜欢观赏什么样的文化活动?
  Chinese people like to go to regional opera performances. Since China is so are many different regional or local style operas. Cantonese opera and Sichuan opera are both very popular in China. My grandma used to sing Cantonese Opera on stage and the whole family went to the theater once to see her performance.   中国人喜欢去看地方剧表演。因为中国很大,所以有很多不同地区或地方风格的戏剧。粤剧和川剧在中国都很受欢迎。我的外婆曾经上台唱过粤剧,有一次我们全家去剧院看她的表演。
  星级词汇:   regional adj.地方的
  4. Is it expensive to go to such events?   去看这样的表演贵吗?
  To see a Beijing opera can be very the other local operas can sometimes be free or very cheap. The only issue is that you might need to be fluent in the local dialect to be able to understand it.   看京剧可能会很贵,但是地方剧有时候可能免费或者很便宜。罕有的要注意的是,一定要会说地方方言才能听得懂。
  星级词汇:   dialect n.方言
