

作者:qxsi   2022-06-30 11:15:57  点击:27

未认证 谨防假冒!



  1. What is your ambition?   你的人生目标是什么?
  My ambition is to do something that contributes to the greater good of society and at the same time to make a stable living. To always achieve a certain level of satisfaction, I have set long term and short term goals.   我的目标是对社会做出贡献。同时有稳定的生活。为了保有成就感,我定下了长期和短期的目标。
  2. Doyou think you will achieve them?   你觉得自己会实现人生目标吗?
  Yes. I think if I meet the right people and be diligent,I will make it happen. But I also need to remind myself to be realistic and keep being optimistic at the same time.   会的,如果我遇到对的人并且很勤奋的话,我会实现我的梦想。但我也要提醒自己现实一些,同时也要保持乐观的心态。
  3 .Are you ambitious?   你有抱负吗?
  Yes,compared to most people around me,I believe I am quite ambitious. I know what I want in life,and I exert every effort to reach my goals.   是的,与周围的朋友相比,我挺有抱负的。我知道我的人生目标是什么,并且非常努力地实现它们。
  4. Are your friends ambitious?   你的朋友有抱负吗?
  Some of my friends have goals and try their best to achieve those goals. I admire those friends. But others get too comfortable with their lives and become lazy.   我的一些朋友有人生目标,并且很努力去实现它们。我佩服这些朋友。但是还有一些朋友生活得太安逸,变得懒惰了。
  5. How do you see yourself in 5 years' time?   你觉得自己5年后是怎么样的?
  Well,I see myself already on a clear path along my lifelong career. But 5 years is a longtime .and who knows what would happen in the future. I just need to focus on what I am doing now and make sure I do a good job.   我觉得我会在热爱的职业上发展得很顺利。但是5年是很长的时间,谁也不能确定未来会怎么样。我现在要做的就是专心工作,把眼前的事情做好。
