

作者:qxsi   2022-06-30 12:37:16  点击:22

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  Most Chinese believe that Americans cat , and toast forthree meals a day. But the truth is that Americans have a much more plentiful diet than that. Hamburgers,hotdogs,fries and pizza are regarded as "junk food”and are reserved for special occasions.   Let's start with breakfast. Americans choose from a wide range of food for the meal that starts the day. For example,oatmeal or cereal。yogurt or milk。fruit .toast .pancakes or waffles,eggs,hash browns is usually a simpler meal because workers and students do not have enough time to cook and eat a more complex meal. Most Americans eat a bowl of noodles or a sandwich with a cup of coffee or a glass of juice.   Americans generally don't go out for elaborate social dinners,but rather stay home and cook for themselves. Dinner holds the most emphasis out of all three meals throughout the day. Americans might eat steamed or fried rice,pasta or potatoes for their starch,chicken,beef or fish for their meat,and steamed vegetables or salad for their also make soup like,tomato or mushroom soup.   Hamburgers and pizza are very popular especially among youngsters,but it is something that is not eaten on a daily basis. Some people may eat it as take-out when they can't cook or are stuck at the office completing a project due the next day. Americans are aware that this sort of "junk food" isn't good for their bodies and try to avoid it.
  多数中国人都认为,美国人每天三餐都吃汉堡、热狗、薯条、批萨和烤面包。但事实上,美国人的饮食很丰富,而且美国人把汉堡、热狗、薯条和批萨之类的食物都归为“垃圾食品”,只有特殊情况下才会吃。   首先说说早餐,美国人早餐的选择有很多,比如燕麦片或各种谷物、酸奶或牛奶、水果、烤面包、薄煎饼或华夫饼、蛋、薯饼等等。午餐一般比较简单,因为工作的人和学生没有时间做饭和享受丰富的午餐。多数美国人吃一碗面条或者一块三明治,喝杯咖啡或果汁。   美国人很少出去应酬。晚上都会回家自己做饭。晚餐是一天中重要的一餐。美国人会吃蒸米饭或炒米饭,意大利通心粉或土豆等淀粉类食物,鸡肉、牛肉或鱼肉,蒸蔬菜或蔬菜沙拉。美国人也会煮汤,比如西红柿汤或菌菇汤。   汉堡和批萨也很流行。年轻人特别喜欢吃.但是不会每天都吃。有些人不会做菜,或在公司里加班赶第二天就到期的项目,就会外带这种食物。美国人知道吃“垃圾食品”是不健康的,会尽量避免。
