

作者:qxsi   2022-06-30 12:58:06  点击:24

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  I know many first tier college students that often have told me that western learners havean exceedingly easy time getting into a decent university and that Chinese students have tostudy 18 hours a day, 7 days a week to get into a good school. I often remind them thatthis mentality is very one-sided.   The fact is that Americans and Europeans do not have an easy time getting into a top university. In relation to Chinese expectations, theirs are at least as equally as high. Thereis a notable difference in learning style that must be accounted for as well. Chinese areprimarily taught through rote learning and classroom instruction. Westerners, on thesame token, are taught through facilitated learning, where they are expected to learn howto learn on their own. They therefore are not required to spend much time in class, butrather spend time with peers or by themselves on acquiring skills such as topic knowledgeacquisition, as well as completing projects, papers etc.   The American classroom is primarily student based. where the teacher in reality is just aneducational "facilitator". The teacher splits students up into small groups to gather. dis-cuss and present information or a supported opinion. I remember once in my eighth gradelanguage arts class. my teacher split the class into small groups. Each group had tochoose what they considered one prominent American or British author and give a presen-tation about him or her. In order to complete the task, we all had to go on the internet orto the library to gather relevant information, write an outline. put key points and graph-ics into a PowerPoint,as well as practice our presentation skills to present our research tothe entire class.
  我认识很多中国的"985", "211"大学生,他们告诉我,在西方读书都太轻松。随随便便就能考上好大学.而中国学生要一天18个小时、一周7天都努力学习.才能考上好的大学。我经常提醒他们,这种观点很片面。   事实上,美国人和欧洲人要考上资深的大学都不容易.辛苦程度不亚于中国学生。要注意的是,中西方学生的学习方式有很大差别。中国学生主要依靠死记硬背与老师教、学生学的方式。而西方的老师则是协助学生学习,从而让学生学会如何自学。因此.学校不会要求学生在课堂上花很多时间.而是鼓励他们与同学一起学习.或者自学知识技能、完成项目和写论文等。   美国的课堂是以学生为主,教师实际上只是教学的“协助者”。教师会把学生分成几个小组。让大家搜集、讨论和陈述信息资料或者观点。我还记得八年级的英文课。老师让我们分成几个小组,每组选择一位杰出的美国或英国作家.上课的时候针对这位作家进行汇报。为了完成这项任务,我们几个人都要上网或者去图书馆搜集相关资料、写大纲.用要点和图表制作成PPT.练习演讲技巧,在全班同学面前进行汇报。
