

作者:qxsi   2022-07-01 08:21:06  点击:31

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  You heard that a sports center would be closed. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter, you should   tell how you heard about the news   say what your opinion is about this   explain how it impacts your life 高分范文
Dear Sir.
  I was shocked beyond description when I learned from ICS news that Pepsi Arena would be closed next month. Therefore. I am writing to express my thoughts.
  Personally. I strongly oppose this plan which is absolutely inconceivable and disappointing. I have also talked with other neighbors who share the same opinion as me.
  Having been located in our community for almost ten years. Pepsi Arena is the most significant symbol and glory of our region and also acts as the place for doing physical training as well as other recreational events for the local residents. Besides. it is the home field of our football team and always holds game on weekends. which has brought numerously splendid moments to the locals. As a result, the unthinkable consequences of closing it are huge. The residents would no longer have place for exercise; young people would no longer have place for entertainment; our community would no longer have any games.
  I hope that you will reconsider your plan seriously and make a win-win decision,Your prompt and favorable attention to my opinion would be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely. Angeline Hu   深圳启德教育小编为大家整理关于建议的雅思g类书信范文中的高分词汇,帮助大家理解范文,同时建议大家多学习范文中高分词汇的用法,拿下高分。
  oppose 反对   Whatever argument he maintains, they are certain to oppose.
  absolutely 完全地,地   He is absolutely beyond suspicion.
  inconceivable 不可思议的,难以置信的   Colour is inconceivable to people born blind.
  disappointing 令人失望的   The speech was disappointing since it skirted round all the main questions.   以上就是深圳启德教育小编为大家整理的关于建议的雅思g类书信范文,建议在话题内容、结构框架、文字素材方面进行全面归纳。