

作者:qxsi   2022-07-01 20:13:31  点击:24

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  图表类的雅思作文一直是比较难的,它考验的不仅仅是雅思写作的一个水平,还涉及到逻辑分析等各方面的一个能力,所以,深圳英语小编针对这个图表类型的雅思写作为大家整理范文,本篇是关于勘探石油的雅思图表作文模板。   The chart gives information about the amount of oil discovery worldwide from 1950 to 2020.   Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. [图片0] 高分范文
  This bar chart shows the changes in the amount of oil discovered worldwide every 5 years from 1950 to 2005 and the predicted figures from 2010 to 2020.
  In 1950, world oil discovery stood at 20 million barrels a year, which grew dramatically over the next 15 years to reach a peak at approximately 56 million barrels in 1965. However, from this year onwards, the growth of oil discovery was suddenly replaced by a sharply downward trend, with some ups and downs, to approximately 6 million barrels a year in 2005, about 1/10 of its peak amount in 1965.
  It is predicted that 7 million barrels of oil will be discovered worldwide in the year 2010, and this figure is forecast to decline steadily to an all-time low of only 3 million barrels in 2020.
  In conclusion. this chart shows that world oil discovery peaked in the 1960s but has been declining for over 40 years. and this trend is expected to continue into the near future.   深圳英语小编为大家整理关于勘探石油的雅思图表作文模板中的高分词汇,帮助大家理解范文,同时建议大家多学习范文中高分词汇的用法,拿下高分。
  predict 预知,预言,预报   It was predicted that inflation would continue to fall.
  peak 顶点   Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
  approximately 近似地,大约   The two buildings were approximately equal in size.
  onwards 向前地,在先地   The pool is open from 7 . onwards.
  steadily 稳定地,有规则地   The company's exports have been increasing steadily.   以上就是深圳英语小编为大家整理的关于勘探石油的雅思图表作文模板,建议在话题内容、结构框架、文字素材方面进行全面归纳。