

作者:qxsi   2022-07-02 02:15:29  点击:30

未认证 谨防假冒!



  比较正式地接受:   We'd very much like to accept your invitation.   我们非常高兴接受您的邀请。
  We'd he delighted to attend your wedding ceremony.   我们非常高兴参加你们的婚礼。
  It would give us the greatest pleasure to spend the weekend with you.   能与你们一起共度周末我们将不胜荣幸。
  发出邀请   I'm calling to see if you would like to...   我打电话是想问你想不想……
  We should be so pleased if you would come.   如果您能来参加,我们将不胜荣幸。
  Would you be interested in coming to the cinemawith me tonight?   你今晚有兴趣和我一起去看电影吗?
  I'm inviting you to my birthday party.   我邀请你参加我的生日派对。
  How do you think about going out for a meal at the weekend?
  I'm thinking about going to KTV with my coworkers tonight. Wanna come?   我想今天晚上跟同事去KTV唱歌,想来吗?
  I'm wondering if you're free for dinner.   不知道你有没有空来吃顿晚饭。
  Are you up for a barbecue this weekend?   这个周末要不要去烧烤?
  Would you honor us with a visit?   可否赏光来我们这儿?
  接受邀请   That's very kind of you, thanks.多谢,你真热心。
  That sounds lovely, thanks.好极了,谢谢。
  What a great idea! Thanks.好主意,谢谢。
  婉拒邀请   That's very kind of you,but actually I'm doing something else on Saturday.   您真客气,但是周六我已经安排了别的事情了。
  Well,I'd love to, but I'm already going out to thecinema.
  I'm very sorry, but can we make it another time?   真对不起,下次可以吗?
  Thank you all the same, but I'm afraid I can't.   谢谢,不过恐怕不行。
  I wish I could, but…我很想去,不过……
  Tomorrow is a hit of a problem.明天可能不行。
  Sorry, I can't. But thanks anyway.   对不起,我去不了。不过,还是要感谢你。
  Oh, what a pity! I'm leaving tomorrow.   唉,太可惜了!我明天就要走了。
