

作者:qxsi   2022-07-03 02:13:10  点击:43

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It is no exaggeration to say that change is to people what water is to fish. Some may spend their lives doing the same things and maintain the stability they enjoy. However, if I were asked whether change is always a good thing, I would say "by all means". Why some people avoid change is beyond me. They may assert that living in a familiar environment, they feel satisfied, stable and happy. In such an environment, they never have to devise other ways to fuIfill themselves. What they should do is to live comfortably, work efficiently and play happily. To be true, this seems to be fascinating and eye-catching. Nevertheless, can't we draw a telling conclusion that it is this life that thoroughly destroys people's ambition and barricades people's steps? As for me, change is more breath-taking than stability. The individual change should be first factor to be outlined. Making the individual change means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to develop the potential, expand the horizon of knowledge and cultivate the logical thinking. Suppose one is forever doing the same job and avoiding change, one will never know what else he/she can do, thus making it impossible for him/her to develop his/her potential. Besides, change gives one an opportunity to try whatever he/she is fond of. Change may mean comparative instability, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment and acquire more knowledge to adapt themselves to this ever-accelerated society. In this way, people's view is expanded and their logical thinking can be cultivated. What is more, the social change is more desirable and appealing. The change of technology has made it possible for people to live a more comfortable, convenient and colorful life. and to solve the problems people once regarded as fatal. The change of economy has laid a solid foundation for the world development. The change of culture has brought about the cultural diversity. The dream that differences should be respected and misunderstanding should be eliminated is no longer a "Mission Impossible". The change of education has contributed to the educational equality and optimized the educational resources. More and more people who cannot pay for the high tuition now have the same chance to receive education. As has been mentioned previously, we can see clearly that though taken by some people as unacceptable, change is in reality an unavoidable trend.

  可以毫不夸张地说,变化对人的重要意义就如同水对鱼的重要性。有些人一辈子都做同一件事,他们喜欢保持稳定。但如果有人问我变化是否永远是好事。我会回答“当然了”。   我不能理解为什么有人不喜欢变化。他们坚持说生活在熟悉的环境里会感觉满足,稳定和愉快。在这样的环境下,他们不用花心思去想怎样才能使自己得到满足。他们每天都在舒适地生活,高效地工作,愉快地玩乐。说实话,这种生活方式很棒,很吸引人。但是,正是这种生活彻底地毁灭了人们的雄心,阻挡了人们的脚步。   我认为,改变比稳定更刺激。个人的改变应该是首要因素,它意味着人们有更好的机会发挥潜能,开阔知识和培养逻辑思维。假设一个人只做一种工作,而且不想改变,他永远不知道自己到底能做些什么,他的潜能也不可能得到发挥。另外,改变给人机会去做自己喜欢的事。它可能意味着相当大的不稳定性,但正因为如此,人们才能做出明智的判断,获得更多的知识,使自己适应这个变化万千的社会。这样,来,人们的观念得到了解放,逻辑思维自然能培养起来。   再有.社会变化是非常理想而且吸引人的。技术的变革使人们的生活更加舒适、便捷和丰富多彩.一些以往无法解决的问题也都迎刃而解了。经济的变革为世界的发展提供了坚实的基础。文化的变革使文化走上多元化的道路。不同意见应该得到尊重,误解应该消除,这样的梦想已经不再是“不可能完成的任务”。教育的变革实现了教育平等,并完善了教育资源,那些以前无法支付高昂学费的人.如今得到了同等的受教育的机会。   综上所述.我们能清楚地看到.尽管有人无法接受.改变却是真实的、不可避免的趋势。
