

作者:qxsi   2022-07-03 20:13:17  点击:25

未认证 谨防假冒!



  A:Have you moved into your new house yet, Michael?   B:We just moved in yesterday, actually.   A:So,what do you think about the place? Are you glad that you moved in?   B:It’s great!Unfortunately, we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up.   A:How old is the house then?   B:It's about 200 years old. It has a lot of history!   A:Sounds fascinating. Where is your new house located?   B:It's just off of the ring road.   A:Do you have a big yard?   B:It’s bigger than our last one. I’ve got flowers in the front, and fruits, vegetables and a fish pond in the back.   A:Is your house well-lit?   B:Oh,yes. Our windows let plenty of natural light in. They've also got wonderful views ofthe park behind our house.   A:How many rooms does your house have?   B:Right now, there arc three bedrooms, two bathrooms,a kitchen, a sitting room ,adining room,and a living room. We’re hoping to add on a green room and a guestbedroom. In fact, when the guest room is ready, you should come and stay with us for aweekend.   A:I’d be up for that!

  A:米歇尔,你搬进新房了吗?   B:确切地说,我们是昨天刚刚搬进去的。   A:那么,你觉得新家怎么样?住进去高兴吗?   B:好极了!倒霉的是,为了把剩下的工作都做好我们还得花上一大笔钱。   A:这房子盖了有多久了?   B:大约有200年了。历史很悠久!   A:听起来真不错!你的新别墅在什么地方?   B:在环线的外面。   A:有大的庭院吗?   B:比我们以前住的那个要大。我在前院种了些花儿,后院种了水果和蔬菜.还弄了鱼池。   A:采光好吧?   B:哦,挺好的。我们的窗户可以让很多自然光照进来。而且还能看到我们别墅后面一个景色相当美的公园。   A:你们家一共有多少间屋子?   B:现在一共有三间卧室、两间浴室、一个厨房、一问起居室、一个饭厅和一个客厅。   我们还想再加一个花房和一间客房。实际上,客房准备好以后,你就可以来我们这儿度周末了。   A:我真期待这一天!
