

作者:qxsi   2022-07-04 02:07:22  点击:51

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  这类卡片题类似于要求考生描述一次经历或事件,在准备此类话题时,考生除了需要介绍出事件的前后经过和参与事件的人之外,还需要重点介绍此次经历或事件对你产生的深远影响。只有这样,考官才会觉得你的陈述真实可信。   真题实例
  Describe a picnic you ever had.   You should say:   when you had it   where you had it   what you ate   and explain how you felt about it.   You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.   You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.   You can make some notes to help you if you wish.   回答范例
  Last summer, my classmates and I had a picnic in the countryside of my city. It was my first experience of having a meal in an openair place, so it was quite impressive to me. Before our departure, every one of us prepared many snacks and drinks. We rode our bicycles to the countryside and the whole journey took us about two hours. When we arrived at our destination, we found a pitch of grassland by the riverside and set up our tents. Some boys went to collect firewood and girls were in charge of preparing our lunch. When the bonfire was burnt, we began to heat the food over the fire, such as bacons, sausages, toasts and so on. We also played many interesting games as we were having the meal. This meal was special to me because it's the last gathering with my old classmates. A few months later, I will be studying abroad and confronting a lot of unexpected challenges and setbacks by myself. Preparing myself for the IELTS test took up so much of my spare time that I couldn't have more chances to get together with my friends. I think an overall band of six will be the best gift for people who care about me.

  ★have a picnic吃野餐   ★an openair place露天场所   ★arrive at destination到达目的地   ★set up tents搭起帐篷   ★collect firewood捡拾柴火   ★unexpected challenges and setbacks   未曾预料的挑战和挫折   ★overall band of six总分六分   以上就是武汉易藤教育为您整理的关于经历的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。