

作者:qxsi   2022-07-04 23:11:22  点击:27

未认证 谨防假冒!



  A:Thank you for calling Gershon Labs. You’ve reached the desk of Ms.   Stevens. This is George Mason.   B:Hi. I’m calling for Katerina Stevens. This is her extension,right? Is sheavailable now?   A:Yes,Sir. You’ve got the right extension,this is Katerina’s desk.   Unfortunately, she is away from her desk right now. Is there somethingthat I can help you with?   B:Umm... Actually I need to speak with Katerina about something...   A:I can take a message for you and make sure she gets it. She just steppedaway from her desk, she should be back soon.   B:Well,I can call her back in a few minutes...   A:Why don’t I take a message and she can get back to you soon?   B:That would be fine,except that I don’t have a convenient call backnumber.   A:I could take a message for you,and you can try ringing her back in abouttwenty minutes. If I let her know you called and will be calling back at aspecific time,then she will be prepared to receive your call.   B:Okay. Will you let her know her husband will call her back at 2:30?   A:Certainly.

  A:感谢致电Gershon实验室。这里是Stevens女士的办公室。我是GeorgeMason.   B:您好,我找Katerina Stevens。这是她的分机号吗?她现在方便吗?   A:是的,先生。您拨的分机号是对的,这正是Katerina的座位。不巧的是,她刚从座位上离开。有什么我可以帮忙的吗?   B:嗯……事实上我需要和Katerina讲些事情。   A:我可以帮您给她留言,她一定会看到的。她刚从座位上走开,应该很快就回来了。   B:好的,我过几分钟再打给她吧……   A:为什么不留个口信给她,她随后很快就会回复您?   B:那很好,问题是我这边没有方便的回电号码。   A:我留个口信给她,您可以再过20分钟打给她。如果我告诉她您打过电话并且还会打过来,她会等您电话的。   B:好的,您可否告诉她:她丈夫将在2:30打电话给她。   A:好的。
