

作者:qxsi   2022-07-05 12:50:23  点击:40

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  Do you like cooking?
  Answer   I like cooking. For one reason, I like eating. I like to cook many kinds of delicacies to meet my appetite. For another reason, cooking gives me great pleasure and I can always get a sense of achievement and satisfaction from cooking.   Well, I have to say I don't really like cooking and it seems that I have no talent for it. Every time when I try to cook, I'll mess up the whole kitchen.
  加分提示   ★For one reason … For another reason …   一个原因是 … 另一个原因是 …   ★meet one's appetite   符合某人的胃口   ★get a sense of achievement and satisfaction   获得成就感和满足感   ★have no talent for…   对……没有天分   ★mess up   搞乱,搞得一团糟
  Who usually does the cooking in your family (or in your home)?
  Answer   It's Mom that undertakes the cooking in my family. The dishes my Mom cooks are not only pleasant to your eyes but also to your taste. More than that, she knows well about the taste of each family member of mine.
  加分提示   ★undertake 承担,担任   ★not only pleasant to one's eyes but also to one's taste 色香味俱全   ★more than that 另外,并且
  Do you want to learn cooking? Do you think it's necessary for young people to learn cooking?
  Answer   I think it's really necessary for everybody to know cooking. As a basic life skill, cooking enables us to face the world more independently and confidently.
  加分提示   ★life skill生活技能   ★independently 独立地   ★confidently 自信地