

作者:qxsi   2022-07-05 14:08:12  点击:40

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  Can you dance?Have you ever learned how to dance?
  Answer   I wish I could dance, but actually dancing is not really my strong suit. I ever tried to learn some simple moves from other guys, but that almost drove me crazy.   Yes, I can dance. And I have started to learn dancing since I was pretty young. The process of learning was not as easy as people imagine. It was a long journey with a combination of sweat, hurt as well as joys.
  加分提示   ★strong suit强项   ★simple moves简单的舞步   ★drive me crazy把我逼疯   ★as easy as像····一样简单
  Do you like dancing? Why or why not?
  Answer   Yes, I like dancing. In my view, dancing is not only a good way of shaping the body,but also a great stress reliever. Although I am not very good at dancing right now, I really want to join a dancing club to learn it.
  加分提示   ★shape the boy 塑造体形   ★stress reliever 缓解压力的方式
  Do you like to watch dance performance?
  Answer   Yes, pretty much. I especially enjoy watching modern dance performances, like tap dance, jazz dance, hip hop dance, etc. When I watch them, every cell in my body feels like dancing together with the pulsating beats of the dancing music.
  加分提示   ★cell 细胞   ★pulsating beats跳动的节拍
  Do people in your country like to dance? Where can you see people dance?
  Answer   Yes, I think Chinese people like to dance. In different parts of the city, you can see people of different ages dancing. For example, in public gardens, you may see many retired people doing folk dance, square dance or fan dance; at the street corner, you can see some juniors showing street dance.

  加分提示   ★folk dance民族舞   ★square dance广场舞   ★street dance街舞