

作者:qxsi   2022-07-05 21:50:49  点击:68

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  杭州汉普森英语分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。杭州汉普森英语选取了生活中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的生活英语。本篇是:关于信用卡的英语对话。   A bank clerk is persuading Tom to apply for a credit card.   一位银行职员正在劝说汤姆申请一张信用卡。   想要熟悉关于信用卡的英语对话,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,杭州汉普森英语小编为大家整理了一些关于信用卡的英语对话的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。
  A: Why don't you apply for a credit card, sir?   B: What benefits can I get from a credit card?   A: You can buy things first and pay the bills later. That's the greatest benefit to our card members.   B: Really? You mean I can use it when there is no money in the card?   A: Yes. You don't have to deposit money in it in advance.   B: Can I use it in all the stores all over the country?   A: Well, not all the stores, but you can use it in most department stores, shopping centers, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels all over the world.   B: That's fantastic!   A: But you have to pay the bills in time every month. Otherwise, our bank will charge you interests.   B: All right. I see. I want to apply for a credit card at once.   A: Well then, please fill out this application form first, and you need to provide some of your personal information.   B: What kind of information?   A: We need information concerning your financial status, occupation and references.   B: That's fine. Is there any charge for the card?   A: No. It's free of charge and there's no annual fee either.   B: Good. Then tell me what documents you need exactly.   A: You have to submit a copy of your ID card or passport, and a certificate of your income issued by your company.   B: No problem. I'll get these documents prepared as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,杭州汉普森英语小编为您整理关于信用卡的英语对话的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:先生,你为什么不申请一张信用卡呢?   B:信用卡有什么好处吗?   A:你可以先购物,后付款,这是我们的信用卡客户享受到的大好处。   B:真的吗?你是说卡里没有钱时也可以用?   A:是的,你不用预先往卡里面存钱。   B:全国所有的商店都可以用吗?   A:不是所有的商店,但是你可以在全世界绝大多数百货商场、购物中心、超市,餐厅和宾馆使用。   B:那真是太棒了。   A:不过,你需要每个月及时还款,否则,我们银行会收你的利息。   B:好,我明白了,我想马上就申请一张信用卡。   A:那好,请填好这张申请表,而且,我们还需要你的一些个人信息。   B:哪些信息?   A:关于你的经济状况,职业和担保人的资料。   B:好的,这张卡要收费吗?   A:不收,卡是免费的,而且也没有年费。   B:很好,告诉我你们具体需要哪些材料?   A:你要提供一份身份证明复印件或护照复印件,以及公司出具的一份收入证明。   B:没问题,我会尽快提供这些信息,谢谢你。   以上就是杭州汉普森英语小编为您整理的关于信用卡的英语对话,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。