

作者:qxsi   2022-07-05 22:32:34  点击:28

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  深圳新世界教育分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。深圳新世界教育选取了生活中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的生活英语。本篇是:银行开户的英语对话。   Fred, a new comer to England, is opening a bank account at the bank counter.   弗雷德初到英国,他正在银行柜台办理开户手续。   想要熟悉银行开户的英语对话,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,深圳新世界教育小编为大家整理了一些银行开户的英语对话的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。
  A: May I help you, sir?   B: Yes. I'd like to open an account.   A: Do you want a savings account or a current account?   B: Can I have both?   A: Yes. We can open a savings account for you that let you deposit your savings,and a current account so that you can take money out freely. We'll also give you a cheque book. Would you provide two pieces of ID, please?   B: Can I use my passport and a membership card of the fitness center in our university?   A: Sorry. We don't accept that membership card. But your passport is OK. Do you have an admission letter from your school?   B: Yes. I do. Here is the letter and the passport.   A: That's fine. Please fill out this application form, give us your full name, permanent address, temporary address, telephone number, and . number, and put your signature here.   B: I'm sorry. But what is a . number? I'm a new comer to UK.   A: It's your National Insurance Number. Do you have one?   B: No. I don't have a National Insurance Number yet, but I have just applied for one.   A: That's all right. You can just give it to us later when you get it.   B: OK.   A: You'll have to make a deposit when you open an account. How much do you want to deposit in your accounts today?   B:I'd deposit 7000 pounds in my savings account and 100 pounds in the current account.   A:All right. I'll credit your accounts and get your debit cards ready for you.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,深圳新世界教育小编为您整理银行开户的英语对话的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:先生,有什么可以帮您吗?   B:是的,我想开一个账户。   A:你想开一个储蓄账户还是一个活期账户?   B:两种都开可以吗?   A:可以,我们可以给你开一个储蓄账户用来存款,再开一个活期账户方便你随时取款,还会给你一个支票本,你能提供两份身份证明文件吗?   B:我能用护照和学校健身中心的会员卡吗?   A:对不起,我们不接受这个会员卡,但是护照可以,你有学校的录取通知书吗?   B:有,通知书和护照在这儿。   A:好的,请填好这份申请表,包括你的姓名、常住地址、临时地址,电话号码和.号码,然后在这里签名。   B:不好意思,我刚来英国,不太清楚什么是.号码。   A:就是社会保险号码,你现在有了吗?   B:还没有,不过我已经申请了。   A:没关系,你可以申请成功后再给我们。   B:好的。   以上就是深圳新世界教育小编为您整理的银行开户的英语对话,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。