

作者:qxsi   2022-07-05 23:21:03  点击:21

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  上海汉普森英语分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。上海汉普森英语选取了生活中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的生活英语。本篇是:出国问路英语口语对话。   Lucy takes buses to the railway station.   露西乘坐公交车去火车站。   想要熟悉出国问路英语口语对话,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,上海汉普森英语小编为大家整理了一些出国问路英语口语对话的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。
  A: Excuse me, which bus should I take to the railway station?   B: You can take No. 16 bus here.   A: Do I have to change buses?   B: No.   A: Thank you.   (Lucy is on No. 16 bus.)。   A: Pardon me, does this bus go to the railway station?   C: Sorry, you've got on the wrong bus. This bus does not go all the way.   A: Oh my God, someone told me it does. What should I do now?   C: You can get off at the next stop. Then transfer at Rose Avenue and catch No. 10bus going north.   A: OK! Thank you very much!   (Lucy transfers to No. 10 bus.)。   A: Excuse me, does this bus go to the railway station?   D: Yes. Please put the exact change in the coin box.   A: All right. Will you please tell me when to get off?   D: Please take a seat, and I'll call your stop.   (Lucy gets off at the railway station stop, but she can not find it.)。   A: Excuse me, sir, I'm afraid I've got lost. I wonder if you can show me the way to the railway station.   E: Head straight up the street about two blocks and then turn right. You will find it on your left.   A: Thanks.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,上海汉普森英语小编为您整理出国问路英语口语对话的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:请问去火车站应该坐哪趟车?   B:你可以在这儿乘坐16路汽车。   A:我需要换乘吗?   B:不需要。   A:谢谢。   (露西在16路汽车上。)。   A:打扰一下,这车到火车站吗?   C:不好意思,你坐错车了,这车不去那么远。   A:噢,天啊,有人告诉我这车到火车站,我现在该怎么办?   C:你可以在下一站下车,然后在玫瑰大街换乘,改乘往北去的10路车。   A:好的!非常感谢!   (露西换乘10路车。)。   A:请问这车到火车站吗?   D:到,请把零钱放进投币箱里。   A:好的,你能告诉我什么时候下车吗?   D:请找个座位坐下,到站了我会叫你。   (露西在火车站那站下车,但是找不到火车站。)。   A:先生,打扰一下,我想我迷路了,你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?   E:顺着这条街一直走过,路过两个街区,然后右转,火车站就在你的左侧。   A:谢谢。   以上就是上海汉普森英语小编为您整理的出国问路英语口语对话,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。