

作者:qxsi   2022-07-06 01:57:28  点击:33

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  Where do you come from?   Answer   I come from … which is located in the northeast of China … Province.   I was born and grew up in a lovely city named…   The place where I am from is called … which is the capital city of … Province.   I am local (a native)
  加分提示   介绍自己的家乡时,多讲述一些关于家乡的细节会让你的回答更加饱满丰富。   位置:It's located/situated in the northeast of China… Province.   类型:It's a coastal city/inland city/tour (sightseeing) city/historical city/new and developing city/provincial capital.   文化:It has a long history and attracts millions of tourists every year for the well known tourist attractions.   居民:People there are hospitable and generous.
  What tourist attractions would you recommend to visitors who come to your hometown?
  Answer   I would recommend/suggest a visitor go to visit… in my hometown, which is a world famous wonder/a valuable cultural heritage/a landmark (symbol) of the city. By visiting this place, a visitor can get a better/deeper understanding of the unique local culture and custom of my hometown.
  加分提示   ★a world famous wonder   世界知名奇观   ★a valuable cultural heritage   珍贵的文化遗产   ★a landmark/symbol   地标,标志   ★get a better/deeper understanding of …   更好地/深入地了解……   ★the unique local culture and custom   当地独特的文化和风俗
  Is that a big city or a small town (or a village in the countryside)?
  Answer   My hometown is a small city with a small population of no more than one million.   It's an important commercial centre/transport pivot/economic centre in the northeastern part of China.
  加分提示   ★a small population人口少   ★commercial centre商业中心   ★transport pivot交通枢纽   ★economic centre经济中心