

作者:qxsi   2022-07-06 13:21:52  点击:13

未认证 谨防假冒!


  1 .In preparation for the next fiscal year I would like to remind departmental heads that budgets should be submitted no later than the end of September.   值此为下一财政年度做准备之际,我想提醒各部门的领导,预算应该在9月底之前提交。
  2. This is a reminder that next year's preliminary budgets for all departments are due at the end of October.   在此提醒一下,所以部门的初步预算要在10月底以前完成。
  3. Please prepare a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year.   请为下一个财政年度做初步预算。
  4. As the year-end is approaching,we would like to remind each storemanager to prepare budgets for the up-coming new fiscal year.   岁末将至,我们要提醒各位店长为即将到来的新财政年度做预算。
  5. This is a reminder that first quarter budgets should be submitted bytomorrow.   在此提醒一下,第一季度的预算要在明天以前提交。
  6. The budget should be submitted as an attachment on or before September预算报告应以附件的形式于9月15日或之前提交。
  7. Please make sure that you follow the attached budget format.   请确保按后附的预算报告格式做预算。
  8. Please refer to the attached budget template and guidelines.   请参考附上的预算模式和原则做预算。
  9. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.   如果有任何问题,请随时与我联系。
  10. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.   如果有任何问题或疑问,请即刻与我联系。
