

作者:qxsi   2022-07-06 16:52:53  点击:21

未认证 谨防假冒!



  Li:Yes. I’d like to have these pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ions filled,please.   Druggist:Certainly,if you’ll just wait for a few minutes,I’11have them for you.   Li:Thank you.   (A half hour later the druggist calls his name)Druggist:Mr. Li?   Li: Yes.   Druggist:Here’s your medicine. That’11 be$26. 23 please.   Li:Can you please tell me how many pills to take and how manytimes a day?   Druggist:Certainly.(He picks up a bottle of yellow and whitetablets)Tak One of these three times a day afterin eats.(He picks up another small plastic bottle ofblue and white pills)Take two of these twice a day.   morning and evening. The cough medicine you cantake as needed,but don’t take more than six table-spoonful a day. OK?   Li:I’m not sure I can remember all that.   Druggist:That’s OK. It’s marked right on the label,see?`One,three times daily,after meals.(1,3 X )
Li:Oh,that’s fine。then. Thank you very much for your hellp.   (Li turns to leave)   Druggist:Haven’t you forgotten something?   Li:(Looking around,but seeing nothing)Forgotten Something?   Druggist:You own me$.   Li:(Embarrassed)Yes,of course. I’m terribly seeI’m sick and I didn’t mean to...   Druggist:(Laughing) I know. I know. I’m only kidding you.   Li:Here’s a $30 bill.   Druggist:Fine. Here’s your change. I hope you’re feelingbetter,Mr. Li.   Li:Thank you for your help.   Druggist:Not at all. Goodbye.   Li:Bye.

  李:劳驾请配一下这张处方上开的药。   药剂师:可以.请你等一会儿,我把药配给你。   李:谢谢   (半小时后药房人员叫李的名字)   药剂师:李先生。   李:是我。   药剂师:药都在这儿了。请付26. 23美元。   李:能不能告诉我一天吃几次.每次吃几片?   药剂师:当然可以。(他挑出一个黄色瓶子和一些白色药片)这些药一天三次,饭后服用,每次一片。(他又拿起另外一个蓝色的塑料药瓶和白药丸)这种药丸一天两次.早晚服用,每次两粒.这种治咳嗽的药需要时服用,一天不得超过六匙。明白啦?   李:恐怕我不能全记住。   药剂师:这好办.瞧.这标签上都写得明明白白一片,一天三次.   饭后服用。   李:哦!这样就好了。感谢你的帮助.(李转身要走)药剂师:你忘了什么没有?   李:(环视周围,觉得没有忘什么)忘了什么东西?   药剂师:你该付给我美元。   李:(有点窘)对.对。真对不起.你看我病糊涂了,我并不想……药剂师:(笑着说)我知道,我知道。我不过说个笑话。   李:这是30美元。   药剂师:这是找头,祝你快点好起来.李先生。