

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 00:52:20  点击:35

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  Most young people without a partner would prefer to have a boyfriend or being in a relationship when you are young is not always a good idea. Do you agree or disagree?
  When you are young, there is often a great deal of peer pressure pushing you to be in a relationship. Although most young people spend a lot of time dreaming about finding the right boyfriend or girlfriend, I believe that early relationships can lead to many problems which young girls and boys might not be able to solve easily.
  Firstly, having a special friend is a large responsibility. It takes a lot of time to look after the needs and interests of another person. It could be better to spend the time studying or playing sport. After all, there will be plenty of opportunities for young people to share their lives later, when they are grown-up.
  Next, there is the financial situation to consider. Some activities are cheaper to do together, but most are not. Often one partner has more money than the other and has to pay for both when, for instance, they go to the movies or to a restaurant. Also, young people love to buy each other gifts, and may try to impress by spending more than necessary.

  Some people argue that today's youth are better informed than their parents were, and,therefore, might be more capable of making a relationship succeed. This may be true, but young people today still have many emotional problems to face; especially in a relationship it is more difficult. For instance, it is hard to have complete trust in someone without a strong commitment. Jealousy can be very destructive, especially at an early age.
  In general, while it is true that, for young people, being together and in love is wonderful there are often many difficult issues to cope with in a full-time relationship.   上海朗阁雅思资深老师认为,雅思范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以上海朗阁雅思为您提供关于学生谈恋爱的雅思作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   当你年轻的时候,往往很大程度上来自同辈间的压力将你们弄在一个恋爱关系里。虽然很多年轻人花了很多时间来梦想着找个合适的男朋友或者女朋友,我还是认为早恋仍然给年轻人带来了很多困惑,并且是很不容易解决的困惑。
  总而言之,诚然,对于年轻人而言,在一起并相爱是美好的,但在一起交往的过程中往往要面对很多困难,一定要妥善处理。   上海朗阁雅思认为,雅思写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。上海朗阁雅思小编希望本篇关于学生谈恋爱的雅思作文范文能给大家有所启发。