

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 02:19:07  点击:39

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  As society progressing, while people enjoy higher living standards compared with the situation of the past,the alarming issues of environmental pollution and energy shortage are really threatening. If the environment fails to turn better, it is no exaggeration that human beings are on the verge of self-destruction, so some scourges, such as air travel,which is the main culprit of environmental problems should be limited. if not abolished. I lend full support to this proposal.   Although air flight facilitates human transportation, especially the long-distance journey considerably. pollution is more conspicuous than the benefits acquired. It is a fact that fossil fuels, specifically petrol, result in a sharp increase in carbon dioxide threatening humans with global warming and climate change. For example, statisticsreveal the fact that the detriments connected with a medium-distance air travel is almost three times as that caused by private cars. If that is true and people lack effective measures to address the problem, then sooner or later the melting of ice caps in both South and North Poles will definitely devour the earth, our homeland.   Worse, air flights aggravate the long-standing resource strain, which has always threatened further modern development. It is admitted that some essential , coal and petrol, have been consumed at the alarming rate and these non-generable energies are threatened with extinction. If humans are stranded in the dilemma of no petrol available, then other crucial aspects cannot go ahead, and modern traffic heavilydependent on petrol is out of the question.   On the other hand, in some matters of great urgency, such as providing relief to natural disasters, air flight is essential. If the limitation on air travel includes first-aid flight,it is really a loss to human lives.
  Overall,taking into account severe environmental pollution and alarming energy consumption, we should restrict existent air flights. After all, our earth can never bear any blow any more.


  随着社会的进步,与过去相比,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高。然而,环境污染与能源短缺这两个令人警惕的问题的确严重。如果环境无法好转,毫不夸张,人类将会处于自我毁灭的边缘。因此,一些造成环境问题的罪魁祸首,例如飞机旅行。即使不被消除,也应该受到限制。我完全同意这种说法。   飞机旅行使我们的出行更加便利,尤其是长途旅行.然而污染更加醒目。化石燃料尤其是汽油的大量应用,导致了二级化碳的排放迅速增加。随之而来的全球变暖、气候变化威胁着人类。数据表明,中距离航空飞行造成的危害是私家车的三倍之多。如果人类缺乏有效的措施解决这个问题,迟早南北极冰帽融化会吞噬我们的家园—地球。   更糟糕的是飞机旅行加剧了长久存在的能源危机.影响了现代社会的进一步发展。一些重要的资源.例如煤炭、汽油,都以惊人的速度在被消耗,面临着消失的危险。如果人类处在没有汽油可用的尴尬境地.其他重要的发展就无从谈起,现代交通也将会处于瘫痪。   另一方面.一些紧急的情况下.例如抵御自然灾害,航空飞行是必不可少的。如果紧急救援受到了限制,人们的生命就会通遇极大的损失。   总之,考虑到严重的环境污染以及令人警惕的能源消耗,我们应该限制现存的飞机旅行。毕竞,地球无法再承受任何打击了。