

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 04:21:33  点击:31

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  深圳汉普森英语分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。深圳汉普森英语选取了旅游中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的旅游英语。本篇是:沙滩用英语怎么说。   It's their first time on the beach.   这是他们第一次来海滩。   想要熟悉沙滩用英语怎么说,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,深圳汉普森英语小编为大家整理了一些沙滩用英语怎么说的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。   A: Is this your first time on the beach?   B: Yes. What about you?   A: It's my first time too. I was born and raised in Gansu. I've never seen a beach with my own eyes until today.   B: The same with me. I was born and raised in Sichuan.   A: I love Sichuan very much. My father lived in Sichuan for a few years when   he was young.   B: That's great. Have you ever been to Sichuan?   A: I went there several times. Sichuan is really a good place to live in.   B: Yes, it surely is. Let's walk on the beach.   A: OK. Do you want to take off your shoes?   B: Why not? Oh, the sand is so soft.   A: Yes, it's like a foot massage. Come here. Let's try this.   B: What?   A: Bury your feet under the sand and wait for the wave.   B: Like this?   A: Yes. Stand still, the wave is coming.   B: It feels so funny when the waves wash over my feet.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,深圳汉普森英语小编为您整理沙滩用英语怎么说的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:这是你第一次来海滩吗?   B:是啊,你呢?   A:我也是第一次来,我是在甘肃出生长大的,以前我从来没有亲眼见到过海滩。   B:我也是,我是在四川出生长大的。   A:我很喜欢四川,我爸爸小时候在四川生活过几年。   B:真好,你去过四川吗?   A:我去过几次,四川是个非常适于居住的地方。   B:是的,的确是,我们到海滩上走走吧。   A:好的,你想把鞋脱掉吗?   B:为什么不呢?哦,这沙子好软啊。   A:是啊,就好像在给脚按摩一样,来这边,试试这个。   B:什么啊?   A:把你的脚埋在沙子里然后等波浪过来。   B:像这样吗?   A:是的,站好了,波浪过来了。   B:波浪冲过脚的时候感觉真有意思。   以上就是深圳汉普森英语小编为您整理的沙滩用英语怎么说,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。