

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 05:24:15  点击:22

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  沈阳韦博英语分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。沈阳韦博英语选取了旅游中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的旅游英语。本篇是:晕船英语怎么说。   A lady gets a seasick.   一位女士晕船了   想要熟悉晕船英语怎么说,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,沈阳韦博英语小编为大家整理了一些晕船英语怎么说的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。   A: Excuse me, where is the No. 5 cabin?   B: Go straight and then turn right and you will find it.   A: Thanks! Can I get a sea view from the inside stateroom?   B: I'm afraid you can't. If you'd like to, you can change your cabin for one with an ocean view.   A: How can I do it?   B: Let me help you.   C: I feel sick in my stomach. It's in knots.   A: Do you feel dizzy?   C: Yes, it makes me want to throw up.   A: Put your head down, I will go to find some medicine for you … Excuse is the doctor's office?   D: Well, I will take you there.   E: May I help you, sir?   A: Yes, I think my wife gets seasick! She is never like this.   E: Don't be nervous. It's very rough today. Please ask her to drink some water and take this medicine. She will be better soon.   A: Should she lie down for a while?   E: Follow me. I'll find a place for her.   C: I feel better now! Could I go to the deck?   E: Of course!   对英语千万不要一知半解的,沈阳韦博英语小编为您整理晕船英语怎么说的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:打扰一下,5号船舱在哪里?   B:直走,然后右转,你会看见它的。   A:谢谢!我能从船舱里面看见海景吗?   B:恐怕您不能。如果您想的话,您可以换一个可以看到海景的船舱。   A:我该怎么做呢?   B:让我来帮您吧。   C:我感觉我的胃里很恶心,它在绞痛。   A:你感觉晕吗?   C:是的,这让我想吐。   A:把头低下,我去给你找药……打扰一下,医生的办公室在哪里?   D:我带您过去。   E:有什么可以帮您的,先生?   A:是的,我想我的妻子晕船了!她从来没有像现在这样过。   E:不要紧张,今天的风浪太大了,你让她先喝点儿水,然后把这些药吃下去,一会儿她就会觉得好多了。   A:她应该躺会儿吗?   E:跟我来,我给她找一个地方。   C:我现在感觉好多了!我能到甲板上去吗?   E:当然可以!   以上就是沈阳韦博英语小编为您整理的晕船英语怎么说,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。